Chapter 18

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After dropping Niall off they drove to Harry's house. Even though he had a plan on how he was gonna hide the hickey and how he was gonna introduce his family to Louis, his heart still started to pound faster as he saw that both his mother's and sister's cars where home. He looked over at Louis who, just as him, was trying to hide how nervous he was. Harry jumped out of the car and walked over to Louis side as he jumped out as well. He took Louis' hand in his and they walked towards the door. As they opened the door they immediately smelled food. Shit, Harry had forgot that they always ate around this time of the day. And knowing his mother she wouldn't accept if they just walked in, grabbed Harry's stuff and left when the food was already ready. They took of their shoes and coats and walked along the hallway to the kitchen where luckily only Gemma sat reading a book while she watched the food so it wouldn't burn. She looked up from her book as she heard the floor creak when they entered the kitchen. She smiled and nodded her head.

"Well, isn't it my little brother, walking in all of a sudden!" She exclaimed before seeing Louis slightly behind him, holding his hand as he looked around in the house. Even though it wasn't the first time he was there, it still felt like a completely new place but welcoming at the same time.

"NO WAY!" Gemma yelled as she saw them holding hands. Harry quickly hushed her and looked around hoping their mom wouldn't come running.

"I can't meet mom yet, I need your help!" Harry whispered and pointed at the hickey, causing Gemma to start laughing just as Niall had done.

Gemma got up from her chair and started walking up the stairs with both Harry and Louis behind her, still giggling about the situation. Luckily their mom was in the shower and hadn't heard anything yet. They walked into Gemma's room and she gestured for him to sit on the chair in front of her desk that were filled with make-up products. Louis looked around in the white painted room as he leaned against the doorway while Gemma tried her best to cover the hickey with some foundation. Louis couldn't help himself and looked out in the hallway to try and find which of the rooms belonged to Harry. He had never been in this part of the house before even though he tried. That night when Harry got so drunk that he could barely walk Louis offered to lead him to his bedroom but that never happened. After they finished covering the hickey they walked back downstairs where Anne was out of the shower and dressed and setting the table. Her face lit up seeing Harry and hugged him tightly. Harry hugged her back before introducing her to Louis. Harry didn't even try to tell her that he only was suppose to pick up things when his mother immediately took out two extra plates and glasses for him and Louis. Gemma and Anne sat at one side of the table and Louis and Harry on the other one. Harry sat across from Gemma as he always did.

"Again - I'm so sorry, if I knew you'd bring Louis I could've made something more fancier for dinner." Anne apologized for the third time as she handed the small bowl with cucumber over to Harry.

"It's alright, mom." Harry assured her as he put some cucumbers in his taco.

"It tastes good, mrs. Styles.'' Louis smiled after taking a couple of bites and looked up at her.

"Oh, please. Call me Anne, Louis." She said and smiled brightly at him. Louis smiled and looked over at Harry who had a mouthful of food. Gemma giggled shaking her head then she kicked Harry's shin. He looked up at her, giving her an annoyed look.

"What?" He muttered and Gemma shook her head and looked over at Louis before looking back at Harry.

"When did this happen?" She smiled and saw how their mother got excited. Both Gemma and Harry knew she wanted to ask but she never knew when it was time to ask those types of questions.

"Last Sunday, uh, November 28." Louis answered with a big smile across his lips and looked at Harry who was already looking at him.

They spent a good couple of hours around the dining table. Louis got to know Harry's family and they got to know Louis a bit better. They also had to explain the whole 'keep-it-low'-situation, of course. While Louis helped Anne with the dishes, despite that she insisted that he didn't need to since he was the guest, Harry sneaked upstairs to his bedroom to pack some clothes and other stuff that he needed. By the time he got back down they were all sitting on the couch in the living room. As Harry walked into the room and saw the way they were sitting he knew exactly what was going on. He cleared his throat and both Gemma and his mother looked over at him while Louis kept his eyes down in his lap. He shook his head as he walked over to the couch and sat down on the armrest of the couch.

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