Chapter 22

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Louis had spent the whole day helping his mother with the dinner since his grandparents and cousins were coming over. Meanwhile he had to check on the kids from time to time since they were very curious about all the gifts lying under the tree.

Louis sunk down on the couch between his mother and the smallest twins. It didn't take long before both of them insisted on climbing up in his lap as Santa Clause sat on a chair next to the Christmas tree and was about to hand out the presents. It took a while for all the gifts to get to the right person and Santa read them all out loud. Louis got a few but didn't expect to get a lot, at least not from his family since it was his birthday the day before. He obviously knew that his grandparents combined the birthday presents with the Christmas ones. During the whole time the kids had their regularly 'competition' where they tried to build high towers with their gifts, the highest one won. Eventually there were only a couple of packages left under the tree. A round one which could only be some kind of ball wrapped in red paper, two envelopes which could either be money or some gift card and lastly a box wrapped in red paper with snowflakes on it. Santa read the note on the round one and handed it out to one of Louis' cousins before he picked up the box and both envelopes in his lap.

"Merry Christmas Louis, love H." Santa read on one of the envelopes and almost everyone's head turned to Louis as he got up from his seat to get it. He hadn't really had the time to tell his relatives about Harry during the day even though his name was mentioned several times. But now that Louis got gifts from him, or from this 'H' who mostly likely stood for Harry, they only got more curious about him. Santa gave out the last envelope then he chuckled before he read on the last package. 

"Such a generous man we've got here. 'Merry Christmas Louis, love H.'" He read out and held out the large box to Louis as he reached out to take it. Even though Louis tried to play it off cool he still felt his cheek getting slightly warmer and he couldn't help but smile when he heard 'love H' on both of the gifts. 


Harry sat by the dining table and listened to when his grandma told stories about how his mother was in his age. Gemma sat next to Harry and read the instructions on how to use her new curler she just got. It was getting quite late and almost everyone had left. It was only Harry, Gemma, Anne, the grandma, an aunt and her two children there. Harry got up from his chair and walked out to the kitchen to get some more soda as Gemma shouted his name from the dining room. As he walked back, Gemma was holding his phone and talking to it. Harry frowned confused and got behind her to see that she talked to Louis on FaceTime.

"Oh, hi babe!" Louis smiled as he saw Harry's head pop up next to Gemma's. 

"Hiii!" Harry smiled brightly and reached over to grab his phone.

"How's this fair? You give him 3 gifts while I only got a clothing-gift card?" Gemma exclaimed and looked up at Harry as he gathered most of his things while holding the phone in one hand.

"You never say anything specific?" Harry smirked and walked around the table to give both his mother and grandma a kiss on the cheek before he turned around and began walking towards the stairs.

"But I gave you a new coat!" Gemma yelled while Harry made his way up the stairs to his bedroom. Harry placed his things on the desk and walked over to close the door.

"And you got me nothing." Harry pouted as he looked at Louis through the phone and sat down on the edge of his bed. 

"I actually did, pouty, look under your bed." Louis chuckled and rested his chin in his palm. Harry looked slightly confused and let down the phone on top of the bed as he kneeled down to the floor. 

"Such a creep putting gifts under my bed..." Harry giggled as he pulled out a paper bag he didn't recognize.

"Says the one sending 3 gifts to my family-home through mail?

Harry could hear Louis' chuckle once again as he felt the warmth on his cheeks while he placed the phone so Louis could see him better when he opened the present. He leaned the phone against the window and turned it so he could sit on his bed. Once he was sure that Louis could see, he looked down in the bag. First he had to pull up some red colored tissue paper that covered the actually gifts. Underneath he saw a pattern piece of textile fabric and a little package. The package was in the shape of a box and was wrapped in red wrapping paper and a golden bow on top. He looked up at his phone with a playful smirk across his lips. 

"There's no way you wrapped this one."

"Heyyyy! What's that supposed to mean?" Louis exclaimed and lifted his head from his forearms as he now was leaning over a table. Harry smiled and shrugged his shoulders. They both knew that wrapping things wasn't Louis' best quality. He didn't have the patience nor technique. 

"You like it?" Louis asked as Harry held up the patterned sweater in front of him. Harry quickly unbuttoned and pulled off his shirt to replace it with his new sweater and smiled. 

"Yes, it's so cozy!" Harry finally said.

"I didn't know your size so I had to try it on and it seemed to work just fine." Louis chuckled as he watched Harry lift his arms to see if the sleeves were long enough. 

"How does that add up? You tried it on to figure out my size?" Harry giggled and scratched the side of his head as tried to understand how that would even work.

"I, uh, kinda know how far down your sweaters go on my bum and how long your sleeves are on me.." Louis admitted and automatically looked around to make sure no one heard him. 

Harry couldn't help but smile. Somehow that was one of the cutest confessions that he had heard come out of Louis' mouth so far. But also the thought of Louis actually getting in a dressing-room, trying on probably different sizes and deciding on which one that fits on him like Harry's other sweaters do.

"Louis!" Harry gasped as he opened the little box. Louis smiled and looked at Harry through the screen.

"Yes?" He asked innocently as Harry held up a wristwatch. 

"How much was this?! Is this the one I showed you?"

"Doesn't matter and yes, it is.

"Louis, that's too much!"

"Oh, come on, Harold! We both know how much you wanted it and I can tell you already love it. But if you don't want it, we can always return it, you know."

Harry shook his head as he placed it on his wrist and looked down at it. He really did love it. But he didn't know how he should feel about his boyfriend, who hasn't even been his boyfriend for a month yet, just bought him an expensive-brand wristwatch for Christmas. Not that money was such a big issue for Louis, let's face it - he was world-famous and rich, but still it somehow felt wrong.

"I do love it..." Harry admitted, slightly twisting his wrist to see all the details of the watch.

"See? Then it's completely yours.

"But now I feel stupid for only giving you a sweater, a framed picture of us and some card..." Harry pouted and took his phone in his hands as he laid down on his bed.

"Oh, stop. You gave me something personal, that's much more worth than a watch to me!

"By the way, is the card for something special or?" Louis asked after convincing Harry that he shouldn't feel bad or guilty in any way over the watch. It was after all Louis choice to buy it and give it to him. Also Harry had wanted that watch for months and now he finally had it on his wrist. 

"Uh, yes. It says that."

"I know, babe. It says 'for a special event' but what's the event?

"Well, you said a couple of weeks ago that you wanted to get a new tattoo and I thought we could do it together? At first I figured I'd give you, like, tattoo-money but you have more money than I do."

"That sounds wonderful. We should absolutely do that!"

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