Chapter 9

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Gemma peeked out of the doorway leading to her room as Harry walked past it on his way to his own room. He had just taken a shower so all he was wearing was a towel that was wrapped around his waist.

"I placed your outfit on your bed!" She said and smiled at him as turned around.

"My outfit?" He asked and raised one of his eyebrows.

"Yes. For your 'date'." She winked and Harry sighed.

"It's not a date, Gemma."

"I know. But still, I picked out your outfit for you, so you don't dress up like some stupid geek."

"I wasn't planning on it either." He turned back around to continue to his bedroom.

"Well, you never know. You dressed up for his concert." She shrugged and could basically hear him rolling his eyes.

"That was four years ago!" He yelled before he closed the door. All he could after that comment was her laughter.

In one way he knew that the outfit would be good because let's be honest Gemma had good taste when it came to fashion. He put on some underwear after he hanging the towel on his chair. Then he turned to the bed and looked at the different pieces of clothing. There was some skinny black jeans, a white T-shirt, a sleeveless flannel shirt in the colors blue and red and a light blue jeans-jacket. He put the clothes on and walked over to the bookshelf where he had his camera stuff. He took out his beloved system camera, a foldable stand and a bag for the camera. In the bag he also had different types of lenses, some extra batteries, extra memory cards and a special wipe to clean the lens with if that was necessary. Before leaving his room he wrapped a bandana on his head to keep his curly hair away from his face.


Harry pulled up on the driveway in front of a big, two floored, white house. He barely had the chance to turn off the car before he saw the front door open and out came Louis. He was wearing black skinny jeans, a white t-shirt with a light blue jeans-jacket on top, just as Harry. He had also fixed his hair in a different way than usual. Louis smiled as he turned around after locking the door and jumped in the passenger seat. He smirked as looked up and down at Harry's clothes.

"Wow, are we already matching outfits?" He chuckled as he fastened his seatbelt.

"Apparently." Harry answered with a smile on his face as he started to back the car out on the street.

"Where are we going?" Harry looked over at Louis who sat with his phone in his hand. He looked up at Harry and shrugged.

"I thought the photographer choose the location" He said jokingly. "But I was thinking somewhere secluded? Don't want to be bothered by anyone. So if you got some special place of yours that match the description then go for it." Harry playfully rolled his eyes hearing Louis which made Louis put away his phone completely.

"What, Harold?" He said and crossed his arms on his chest, trying to keep a serious face as he looked at Harry.

"'Don't want to be bothered by anyone.'" Harry quoted and looked over at Louis with a smirk. "It's hard being famous, huh?"

"You already know. Paparazzi's following me everywhere, papers always writing their articles about me, crazy fans chasing me and screaming my name. Not to mention all the people having crushes on me!" Louis smirked and wiggled his eyebrows as he got eye contact with Harry.

"Oh my god..." Harry looked back at the road as he felt his cheeks blushing up and shook his head. Even though he was slightly embarrassed that Louis knew, and remembered it, he couldn't help but smile.

"So it's true!" Louis exclaimed.

"Isn't it obvious? How I'm always nervous around you?" Harry asked and bit his lip.

"You didn't seem nervous the other night."

"I was drunk, Louis!" Harry giggled, making Louis smile and nod his head.

"Oh, trust me, I know. Are you drunk now?"

"What? No? I'm driving?" Harry yelled with his voice slightly pitched and Louis bursted out laughing.

"Oops... I just meant that you don't seem very nervous right now. And it's just you and me." Louis giggled and shook his head.

They arrived at an empty trading estate industrial and the two boys got out of the car. As Harry took out his stuff from the backseat Louis looked around and fixed his hair in the rearview mirror on the car door and rolled up the sleeves of his jacket. After Harry had gathered all his things they started walking towards a high checkered fence. Harry picked up his camera from it's bag and turned it on while Louis backed up a bit more against the fence. He took off the cover on the lens, tossed it down on the bag and lifted the camera up to his face then he looked at Louis through the lens. He smiled to himself and snapped a picture while Louis looked away. Louis looked up as he heard the click.

"Oh, we started?"

"I'm sorry, did the model need more time to prepare?" Harry asked jokingly and snapped another picture.

"No, I'm just used to people telling me how to stand or what to do."

"I prefer to capture the real moment." Harry smiled and looked up over the camera.

Then he held it down to look at the few pictures he had taken. He smiled to himself. Damn, Louis looked so good. Harry knew he'd be enjoying taking pictures of someone as beautiful and natural looking as Louis but that he'd still look so hot when he wasn't even prepared? Damn. Then he realized that Louis probably was looking at him and made a concerned facial expression.

"What's wrong?" Louis asked and bit his lip.

"Now I understand why they tell you what to do..." Harry began and looked up at Louis. And Louis looked a bit worried, he actually wanted to look good for Harry.

"You look awful." Harry continued and tried to keep the same facial expression. At first it seemed like Louis believed it since he nervously scratched the back of his neck. Then he looked at Harry and even though Harry tried to keep up the act his dimples gave it away.

"You!" Louis gasped and playfully hit Harry on the shoulder. Harry started laughing and shook his head as he raised the camera to his face again and zoomed in a bit on Louis face.

"Chill babe, you look gorgeous." Harry said as he snapped another picture, then he bit his lip and froze for a second. Did he just say that out loud? He slowly lifted his gaze from the camera and looked at Louis. He wasn't even surprised anymore when he saw the smirk on Louis face as he licked his lips.

"I'm sorry, I know you have a girlfriend.." Harry said and placed his face behind the camera to continue.

"It's alright. I'd rather have you calling me babe than her." Louis said and looked straight into the camera as Harry snapped a picture. Harry once again lowered the camera but didn't get to open his mouth before Louis did.

"Could we go back to the car? My cigarettes are there." He said and Harry just nodded in response.

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