Chapter 8

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Harry stood up from the kitchen chair.

"I told him?! And you didn't stop me at all?!" He squeaked and looked at Niall who were just as surprised as him, but at the same time he thought it was funny.

"Yes, you did. And no, I didn't stop you. And you should thank me because now you're meeting him alone tomorrow." Harry looked surprised at Gemma.

"WHAT?!" Harry yelled out. Niall bursted out laughing and clapped his hands.

"While you were busy looking for the lightning we started talking about his career and he mentioned that he wanted to find someone who could take professional pictures for his instagram. So I showed him yours and he really liked the pics." Harry sat down on his chair again and looked at her.

"You told him I photograph?" He asked.

"And showed him your instagram.." Niall interrupted and Harry gave him an annoyed look.

"Yes. Then he asked if I thought you'd be willing to help him out and I said yes. Then I got his number and he said he was free tomorrow so there you go. You just gotta text him." Gemma explained as she handed him a little piece of paper with a phone number on it.

"So I told him I had a crush on him and then you arranged a meeting, where I also have to perform well?"

"It was the meeting before the confession." Niall interjected and Harry rolled his eyes in response.

"Basically. I thought you'd be happy tho! You love to photograph and you love Louis, isn't that a win-win?" Gemma pouted and looked at her little brother who still tried to take it all in.

"I don't know... what if he doesn't like the pictures?" He sighed and Niall took Harry's phone that laid in front of him.

"What are you doing?"

"I'm gonna show you your own pics so you can see that you don't have to worry about that part." He said as he tried to figure out the passcode.

"Okay, so what if I do this? Why do I have to text him first?"

"Because he doesn't have your number, smartass." Gemma said gently hitting the side of his head.

"But what do I say?"

"Just tell him who it is, ask if he's still up for it and wait for an answer."

He fumbled back and forth for at least half an hour before he actually agreed to do it. It wasn't that he didn't want to. Because let's be honest, he really loved to take photographs and he really liked being with Louis even though he hadn't had the chance to be alone with him. At least not when he was sober. And he had to admit that the thought of being alone with Louis was somewhat scary. What would they talk about? On another thought, why would it only be the two of them? He'd probably have some guard or something with him. And was he ready for the eventual attention he'd get from hanging out and taking photographs of one of the most popular pop singers in the world at the moment? What if they got surrounded by fans and paparazzi's? Not that he couldn't handle stress but it'd surely be different from the stress environment he was used to at the restaurant. And what could go wrong if he just kept it professional? He could just see it as a job. Go there with his camera, snap some pictures of Louis then send them over as he got back home.

"Damn, you're already famous Harold!" Niall exclaimed all of a sudden. Both Gemma and Harry gasped in surprise as Niall held up Harry's phone. He had opened instagram and on the screen was a new post from no other than the subject of the morning: Louis Tomlinson.

 He had opened instagram and on the screen was a new post from no other than the subject of the morning: Louis Tomlinson

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LouisTomlinson: Had such a lovely evening with these two fellas🍻

Harry had no memory of Louis taking that picture whatsoever. Harry grabbed his phone back from Niall and looked at the picture. He couldn't believe that his face already were known to Louis' fans by now. Then at least that part would be out of the way tomorrow.

"There's a lot of potential hook-ups in the comments too." Niall said randomly and Harry looked up at him giving him a weird look.

"What? Look at them, basically drooling over you!" Niall said in defense and shrugged his shoulders. He knew he was going to regret it somehow but Harry decided to look at the comments anyway. The comments were a mix of people asking who it was on the picture and people commenting on their looks. He was really relieved that he wasn't tagged in the picture. Gemma snatched the phone from him. Of course, she wanted to see how she looked herself.

"Why are you wearing shoes inside?" She giggled and zoomed in on his boots.

"Are you seriously asking me? I don't even remember how I got to my own bed last night." Harry chuckled and took back his phone.

"Hey! I was looking at that!"

"Yeah but apparently I have to text the owner of this picture since my sister kind of promised him that I'd help him out." Harry smirked and put the little piece of paper in front of him so he could see the number. He typed it in and fumbled with his thumbs over the screen and bit his tongue trying to figure out if he should be chill or more formal. Gemma who knew Harry pretty much inside-out looked at him and shook her head.

"Just do as I said before."

"But how do I start?" Harry looked up at her than at Niall.

"Hi, it's Harry?" Niall said making it sound so obvious. Which it was. Harry started typing then he quickly put his phone on the table with the screen down after he had sent the message.

"Hi. Gemma just told me you wanted some help taking pictures? I'm free tomorrow if you're still up for it. - Harry."


After spending the whole day with Niall, Harry finally got back into his room. It was already night and he started to take off his clothes as he got ready to go to bed. As he pulled off his sweatpants he heard something fall on the floor. He lifted his pants and saw his phone. Oh, please tell me it didn't crack, Harry thought as he leaned down to pick it up. Luckily it didn't break, this time. But just as he was about to put it on the nightstand the screen lit up.

"Hi, sorry I took so long to answer I've been quite busy haha. But yes, I'd love to meet up and take some good pics. Does around 2pm sound good? -Louis"

Harry automatically smiled at his phone seeing Louis name at the end of the text. He turned off the lights and laid down in his bed, pulling the covers over his body. He laid on one side and held the phone in his hand. Before starting to type an answer he realized he hadn't changed the name, it was just the number. He changed it to "Louis" then typed an answer to him.

Harry: It sounds perfect, should we meet somewhere?

Harry closed the conversation and went on instagram, expecting he'd wait a while for the next reply. He could look at two pictures before seeing Louis name at the top of the screen. He smiled to himself.

Louis: I was thinking, maybe you could pick me up?

Harry: Yeah, sure. What's your address?

Louis: Oh wow! A little too forward, don't you think?😜

Harry: Oh, sorry..😶

Harry blushed and bit his lip, then he got another text.

Louis: I'm just messing with you, How else would you pick me up, Harold?😉

He had mixed feelings about that name. Only his mom called him 'Harold' but he somehow liked it when it came from Louis too. Right after he got a text with the address.

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