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I tap my bare feet against the hardwood of Howard's floor. Waiting impatiently as he takes in the information.

"I'm leaving tonight." I tell him, he looks at me with an amused expression.

He laughs, standing up and grabbing a fresh shirt. "I forbid you from going, I will."

I place my hands on my hips, "Howard, you've been shot. You need to rest, you can't go."

He thinks for a moment, "I'll send Leo."

"Leo doesn't even know Aiden." I lean in closer, "Is he even capable of rescuing him? I mean he's cool but I don't know if he can handle something so important."

Howard laughs, "I wouldn't hire just anyone to watch over you girls. Leo is a trained assassin, he's young, yes. But he's someone no one will mess with and he has alot of connections. Don't ward him off so easily just because he falls into your charms."

I scoff playfully, my mood elevated. "What is that supposed to mean?"

"I know you talked him into going to the hospital when I ordered him not to." He looks at me pointedly.

I roll my eyes, "You would have died." I remind him with a blank face, he shrugs.

Ignoring me, he continues. "I also know he takes you to the gravesite every night." I throw my head back at his accusing tone.

"Okay.... But this is important Howard. Are you sure he can do this?"

He smiles, a look of happiness in his eyes. I can tell the news is a positive for him too. "He can kill twenty men with his bare hands, lead men with ease. His only downfall is his weakness to not say no to a pretty girl." Howard's face grows somber, "Emilia, you can't get your hopes up. It's been weeks, the tracker necklace could have been given away to anyone and Aiden could already be gone."

Rolling my eyes playfully I ignore him. "Well just to be sure, I'll go with Leo." I smile.

Throwing his hands up, and then grunting from the sudden painful movement Howard grabs my hand in his. "Emilia, you can't. You have to trust me. We don't know whats going on. Tomorrow, I'll find out more intel, but for now go to sleep."

I nod my head in agreement.

I wait an hour in my bed. Then, I go find Leo.

He's easily persuaded.


I deftly walk through the dimly lit cabin, wearing black leggings and a black tank top to blend end with the dark surroundings. Trying to be light on my feet since the entire place is made of creaking wood. I find Leo, leaning against the porch rail smoking a cigarette. The sight is so achingly familiar to Aiden I have to look away from him for a moment.

"You're not very sneaky." His deeply accented voice says, I look up at him and see he's standing only a few feet away now. How did I not hear him?

"I need your help."

He ashes his cigarette, "I know, I know. Aiden had a tracker. You wan't me to take you to Italy. Not going happen Em." I'm thankful he listened to me about not calling me miss, we're too close to the same age for that.

I raise my brow at him, with another puff he says, "I'm well aware of your brave attempt of going to save him. Howard told me everything. He won't allow it and neither will I."

I laugh, damn you Howard. "You can't tell me what to do."

He leans against the rail, looking bored. "We're not going anywhere."

"Fine, I'll just go without you." I bite back.

With a quick movement, Leo is in front of me. His gray eyes look sharp in the moonlight like they're magnifying the white. "I already said I won't allow it. My sole job is to keep you safe. Here. Safe. Italy. Not safe. Understand?"

I bat my lashes, "Please." I beg, knowing full well I won't be able to save him on my own.

He huffs once, I can tell he's caving. "No." He states, but with no conviction behind his words.

I've learned a few of his habits over the worst couple weeks of my life.

But the most important thing I've realized, because of Howard. Leo can't tell me no.


I try to hide my Cheshire grin as Leo pulls out a large piece of paper. Creating a map from the lock tracker on the computer. For the first time in weeks I feel warmth.

"What are you going to tell Ash?" He ask me, his voice at a whisper.

"Nothing, I" I bite my lip. "I know how broken she is, if I tell her what I'm doing she'll want to come too. I can't risk her getting hurt or getting her hopes up."

Leo moves, placing himself close to me. I look up up up and see his eyes staring into mine. His carefree demeanor becoming a scowl. "Em, please. I beg of you, stay with her. Stay here. Where your safe."

I look around the room, then I move away from his protective gaze. Only Aiden can look at me that way.

Changing the subject, I give him a weak smile. "Let's get this done. We leave tonight."

Pinching the bridge of his nose, a gesture that is so anchinigly familiar to Aiden that it makes my brain go foggy we plan our travels and map out what we're going to do.

"I've written a note for Howard. He won't risk telling Ashley or anyone where we are out of fear of getting her hopes up and it will be too late for him to stop us."

He pulls his large hand over his face, "You're going to get me killed."


We arrive after a long flight.

Campania Italy, southern region.


I need my EMDEN Stans to help me! Please share this Story as well as Aiden everywhere you can! It will mean the world to me!

And you guys, I read all of your reviews. From the bottom of my heart, thank you. 😭♥️

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