Chapter 26

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It wasn't going according to plan.

Panic washed over him with the all-consuming strength of a tsunami when Harry found himself standing in front of the Veil.

Over the strange whispering from the portal looking device Harry was aware of the sound of people fighting behind him.

His feet refused point blank to follow any command his brain was supplying it with to get him away from there. It was as if they had been nailed to the spot.

Frustrated Harry clenched his fists. He was supposed to find Draco, not stand here, waiting for the push that would lead him to fall into the silver coloured substance. As fascinating as it was to look at, he had experienced the fall enough times for him to grow bored with it.

Then he realised that something was different from all the other times he had viewed this scene. Normally, he would not be able to make as much as a muscle twist before he was pushed, and yet he could feel nails dig into his palms.

Did this mean that something in the vision had changed? Had something happened which meant that he would not actually be at the Ministry of Magic? Perhaps he was only here to observe.

But as he tried to step backwards, something strange occurred. Harry separated from himself.

For a moment Harry could only stand there, staring wide-eyed at the back of his frozen other self. This was weird beyond words, even for him. Why was it that there had to be two of him all the time? Was there some deity out there who had nothing better to do than to mess up his life? At least the last vision had made more sense which had been with Draco Polyjuiced as him, rather than this. Harry doubted very much that the same was happening now. After all, even then they had been separate persons.

It could be because of the added ingredient. He had expected a change in his visions, but this was not exactly it. He should be able to control them, to see visions about whom he wanted, and not merely add a strange tweak to his visions.

But maybe the consequence of losing his virginity had finally decided to show itself?

And there was something different about the other him, which further convinced Harry that Polyjuice was not being used. The other's hair was short and only a little longer than his father's had been by the time of his death, but it was nowhere near his hair's current length. Puzzled, Harry stared at himself, circling the person and wondering what this could mean.

The person he'd split from was definitely him. Other than the different hairstyle, there was no difference between them. They could have been twins for all he knew.

How curious, was he supposed to be the good or the evil twin? He supposed that it depended on who was asked.

That, however, wasn't what he should be thinking about right now. He had to find a vision that could tell him something about where Draco might be. So, as much as he would like to stick around to find out who would cause him to fall through the Veil, and maybe also why his hair had gotten so short, he couldn't.

Turning away from his still self and the Veil, Harry closed his eyes and breathed in deeply, trying to concentrate.

According to Slughorn's theory he should be able to control this, to be able to decide whom or where he viewed. Being separated this way gave him some control, but it wasn't what he was looking for.

This wasn't the way to go if he wanted to find Draco.

Perhaps, he merely needed to approach this from another angle. Severus would have been able to tell him how he was supposed to do this. The man was a genius when it came to the mind, it was necessary, being a master in the mind arts.

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