Chapter 4

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"And just where do you reckon you are going?" Harry jumped in surprise as a warm breath ghosted over his ear the moment he stepped out of the Hospital Wing.

From where he was sprawled out on the floor Harry tilted his head back to glare at Draco. The blond had been leaning against the wall next to the door. "Aren't you supposed to be in class right now?" Harry hissed, getting back on his feet and brushing his hands off on his clothes.

A concerned look was on Draco's face as he stepped over to him. "You didn't get hurt, did you? And it is rude to answer a question with a question." Grey eyes raked over Harry's body as if trying to spot any broken limbs. When Draco reached out for him Harry slapped the hands away and took a step away from the blond.

"Sure that you are willing to be seen with me in a public place?" Harry asked, not caring that there was currently no one else in the corridor. "What if someone like your aunt comes by? Are you just going to dump me and act like we don't know each other?"

With all that had happened Harry had in the meantime forgotten the way Draco had abandoned him on New Year's Eve. And when he had last seen Draco, Harry had been focussed on more important things to touch the sore subject between them.

Surprise painted Draco's face but instead of coming up with a sharp retort Draco took a careful step towards him. "You can't still be mad about that. It happened nearly two weeks ago."

Standing his ground Harry simply shifted his weight so he was ready to move with a seconds warning if that should prove to be necessary. "If you hadn't dragged me out of the dungeon, it wouldn't have happened in the first place. I wouldn't have ended in a situation where I might have lost my life because I was somewhere I had nothing to do. And then you would have been killed the very next day!"

From the pink spots on Draco's cheeks the blond was either embarrassed or on his way to get angry. "Damn it Scarhead. It is not like I could have done anything against the dark lord himself. My father was there and if I had dared to go into your defence it would have done you nothing good. If you hadn't worn those ridiculous robes I would easily have gotten you through without anyone paying attention to us."

Narrowing his eyes, Harry placed his hands on his hips as Draco apparently tried to place all the blame on him. "Careful, blondi. I have hit you before, and I can easily do it again."

Automatically Draco's hands flew up to cover the middle part of his face. "You wouldn't dare." Draco declared horrified. "It took hours to make sure that my nose was as straight as it had been before."

"You deserved it." Harry said, taking a step towards Draco so they were nearly standing chest to chest.

"We were eleven years old!"

The excuse did nothing to help with Harry's bad mood. "You tried to lord over me, because you had magic and still lived with your family. If Severus had not come in at that moment something else would have been broken to, I can promise you that."

A sudden grin broke out on Draco's face. "Do you remember the look on his face when he saw the state his living room was in after he broke up our fight?"

At the memory Harry found it nearly impossible to keep a similar expression off of his face. "He was livid. And he refused to let any of us leave until the room was back to its normal state."

Draco grimaced at that. "Who would have thought that forcing us to work together would actually get us to accept each other? If not because it put some of his precious Potions ingredients in danger, I would not be surprised if it actually proved to be something Severus had planned all along."

Harry felt his lips twist upwards in a smile. "Yeah, he yelled, not even half an hour after he had berated us for not using our inside voices."

The two boys shared a smile at the memory. "So are we good?" Draco asked, suddenly looking rather unsure of himself as he offered Harry his hand.

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