Chapter 18

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Morning came much too soon for Harry's liking.

Logically he knew that the sun could have moved underground and yet, he could still feel its hot rays on his face, forcing him out of his state of sleep, and Harry wanted to curse magic's existence.

Someone was in the bed with him. Someone who had draped an arm and a leg over him, and this time Harry was sure that it was not Nagini's big body, hugging him firmly against the body behind him.

Despite the oddities Harry had no intention of getting out of bed just yet. Whatever had caused this strangeness could wait for a few more hours before he felt like getting up and investigating.

Right now he was content to go back to sleep.

Something flashed on the other side of his closed eyelids. Harry went from comfortably half asleep to prepared for an incoming attack. He gripped the arm that had previously been resting peacefully on his hip and rolled around, bringing the body in front of himself to shield him from an attack.

But the bed he was on was not as wide as Harry first had thought, and instead of now having the body before him, he felt it starting to fall. But the body's owner had a mind of their own, and a hand closed around his wrist, pulling him along in the fall. Having been tangled up in the cover, Harry took it down with him.

He landed in a tangle of limbs and covers on the floor, Harry somehow ending under the other person, though he was by no way sure how it had happened.

Far from awake Harry cracked an eye open.

It took him a moment to realise that he wasn't in his room in Severus' quarters, which certainly explained the shifting he had registered while not being fully awake.

And he remembered the reason to why he was in neither of his rooms.

"Draco got extra limbs in the night! Is that what my mother meant when she said that I had to eat my vegetables if I wanted to grow?" That was definitely Vincent's voice, meaning that he wasn't in any danger as he first had believed.

Harry let the back of his head meet the carpet covered floor, ignoring the elbows and knees that connected with various parts of his body as Draco fought to free himself from their fabric made prison.

Too tired to come up with an explanation to his presence Harry pulled the cover up over his head. It wasn't the most comfortable place to sleep, but as he was too tired to move, it would have to make do.

Harry's plans about getting back to sleep were ended when someone yanked the cover off him, leaving him squinting in the sudden light. "Seriously, Scarhead, when did you come and why were you in my bed?" Harry blinked a few times, staring at Draco, who was standing at his feet, with the cover in his hands. He tried to calculate the chance of success if he attempted to reclaim the cover.

As if sensing where his thoughts were heading, Draco threw the cover at Blaise, who grabbed it without looking up, holding a camera in his other hand.

That explained where the flashes had come from, though the knowledge didn't offer him much comfort. He intended to snatch the camera at the first given chance.

Theo was sitting cross-legged on his bed, a book balancing on his knees. Gregory and Vincent were watching him with curious eyes as if he was a problem they had to solve, or a new cake they wanted to taste.

"I needed somewhere to sleep." He said with a shrug before allowing a small grin to slip onto his face. "But if I had known that you kicked in your sleep, I would have found somewhere else to sleep."

Draco looked gross. "I will let you know that Malfoys are perfect in anything we do. I do not kick in my sleep!" Harry was not the only one who found it hard not to laugh when Draco followed his statement with stamping his foot on the floor.

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