Chapter 1: Her

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"Why can't you try to hold still?" I asked, trying not to sound that I am starting to get pissed but my tone is making it obvious. 

"Because it's going to burn my forehead, I can feel it." He spat out, rolling his eyes on me followed by a sigh.

“Well I,” I paused and sighed, having the patience I have in me getting little and little every moment. I didn’t say anything anymore. He’s always going to find a way to win over this, like he always does every single time. I just stayed quiet and continued working on applying the pieces of foil on his bleached strands of hair.

Calum and I have been together for almost a year now, since that night we met again after their concert, after not being able to see him for a year. I knew back then that it was the greatest decision I’ve ever made so far. Though things aren’t really always in our side, it didn’t stop me to keep going whatever it takes. There isn’t any perfect relationship that ever existed. We fight, we cry, we get hurt, but we work over it. Love is all about taking risks. It could be hard, it could be tough. But when you know that you really love someone, you’re willing to take any risk because you know it will all be worth the fight.

A lot of things had changed since then. Pretty much a lot about everything in my life actually. I started working as a photographer for simple and small events a few months ago. It wasn’t really that much, but I have to work hard for my own money since I started living on my own in a little cozy apartment that my dad got me. I still visit him when I have time, which is quite all the time because I’m on a break and I basically have nothing to do with my life since my boyfriend was on tour. I write stuff too and post them randomly online, but it’s only one of the many things in my “what-to-do-when-bored” list, which I basically do all the time. My weird obsession with hair dye faded, but a little change with my appearance had occurred on me a few weeks after Calum went back on the road again with his band mates. I cut my hair just above my chest and dyed it brown. A few weeks then I realized that it didn’t really suit me so I went back to my natural blonde hair. I feel like a lot of things changed about me, but all in all, in my appearance, it’s just my hair. I wish I could say I gained some height. But I didn’t. I guess this will never change anymore. Sad.

Calum did change a lot, I could say. His band is getting famous and famous every single day, and there’s nothing really surprising about that. Even before, back when we were all in high school, I knew back then that they’re going to make it this far. I mean, why wouldn’t I be proud? The songs that made them won the battle of the bands two years ago were actually written about me, for me. I feel so special right now, excuse me.

I could clearly say that puberty hit him like a freaking truck. Based on all the photos of him I’ve seen at Michael’s house before, Calum really did have a huge transformation that almost every girl I see over the internet are drooling over him. He got taller, his arms got really strong and toned and I don’t know how to explain everything anymore, he just became more beautiful than he is. That’s why sometimes I don’t even bother whenever I hear some girls talking about how they want to get laid with Calum someday. Mutual thoughts, I guess?

He had been staying in my apartment for three days straight now. They got back here in Sydney last week from their tour, and after spending some time with his family he decided to stay with me over here. Considering that I am his girlfriend, I know he’ll pretty much want to spend his spare time with me, but the thought of it still gives me weird butterflies like I always get before. I mean, I admit it. I am the most boring person you’ll ever meet. I don’t even know what I usually do for fun. I do things that makes me happy but I know not everyone’s doing it. I just still get conscious all the time, knowing that I am the girlfriend of one of the most famous person in the entire universe at the moment. But that’s another thing by the way; the entire universe doesn’t really know what’s going on.

Fading (A Calum Hood Fan Fiction; Sequel to Pretending)Where stories live. Discover now