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Roger's POV

Voices faded and footsteps came down into the hallway. Must be a nurse, nothing will happen to me, calm down. No, they grew louder and they were coming straight for my room. Door knob rattled, trying to open the locked door, good thing John had locked it before he left. A voice spoke that made my stomach drop.

"Roger, are you in here? Please, let me in, I have to talk to you."


I shot up from the bed, never thinking twice about anything. Ripping off the Iv pack and all the other tubes, the sting paralyzed me for a second, but I couldn't stop. I jumped out of the bed, standing around in an alarmed state of mind. Heart beat fast, adrenaline pumping through my veins, mind unsure of what to do or think. Eyes scanned the room, looking for an answer. Sight landed on a window. Perfect. I pulled it all the way up and I was out.

I ran for my life down the streets, never looking back.

I reached the dim lit neighborhood and sped down the street, hair flying over my face, blocking my vision, hospital gown flowing through the wind, frantically searching for John's house. My goodness...where is his damn house!? Brian could come for me any moment, I was genuinely terrified of him, I had to hide from him. I spotted the familiar house, ran up to the front lawn to get to the door, and rang the doorbell. Please be here...

The locks turned and the door opened, John being exposed to the destroyed, rain drenched me.

"My goodness...Roger what are you doing here!? Come in!"

I ran inside, John closing the door once he came back into the house.

I sat down on one of the sofas, where I was greeted by one of John's friends.

"Weren't you at the hospital? I was told all about your situation," he said.

"Yeah, but-"

"Please tell me what's going on, please!" John pleaded.

I looked him in the eyes and prepared to spill out everything that had happened at the hospital.

"I-I was at the hospital after you left...not too long after that, I heard Brian's voice outside my door and then footsteps, he was trying to go into my room. I was afraid of him hurting me again, so I opened the windows, and escaped. I ran for my life down the streets, making sure to get as far away as I could from him. After realizing that he would find me eventually, I came over here to hide from him. I know, I'm such an emotional wreck...

"Now, please, don't say that, you're not an emotional wreck," John reassured me.


"Yes, I am, I'm always being a crybaby and bothering all of you with my problems. I'm a burden to you."

John pulled me into a hug, never letting go.

"Don't say those things, you're scaring me. I'm starting to get really worried about you, is there anything I can do to help?

He loosened his grip, backing away from the hug.

I wanted help, I desperately needed it, but I knew If I got some, things would take a turn for the worst. I didn't think that was possible considering the circumstances, but it could still happen. Brian himself said, "Don't even think about telling anyone, and if you do, I promise I'll make your life more miserable than it already is."

"I'd really like some, but you know I can't..."

"I don't like this situation at all! Look at yourself! You have bruises all over your body, two black eyes, and scratches all over your back and face, what will make you get help!?" John screamed.

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