Is This Just Fantasy?

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Days Later

Roger's POV

I was still in disbelief of what had happened between Brian and I. That night was a dream come true. The way his hands felt on my waist, passionate and loving. Our tongues dancing with one another, playful. Even though I was known to go from girl to girl like it was nothing, everything felt different with Brian, we had a deep connection to each other. It wasn't like anything I've experienced before, this one was special. Home was when him and I were together.

Brian's POV

I couldn't stop thinking about what happened that night a few days ago. His face between my hands, looking into that adorable face of his, big baby blue eyes, those seductive lips. All the intricacies of his face. Our first kiss, his soft lips gently pressed up against mine, lingering as they parted and that exhale at the end. The taste, tasted like him, the little spice and the full-blown taste. Those small gasps he released, sexy, but vulnerable. His body on top of mine, the sheer warmth and comfort it brought. The way his face lit up when I asked him the big question weeks later. How Roger's eyes beamed up with happiness and excitement, looking like the glistening stars in a galaxy. It was...he was, perfect.

A Few Days Later

Brian's POV

Mind couldn't stay focused and went back to the memories of that night, they were constantly driving away my attention from everything. However, today was a practice session day, so I had to focus on music for now. I walked into the break room, expecting to see Roger there, but he wasn't. Oh well, I bet he's doing something else at the moment, but I was sure he'll come around to me any time soon. I continued as normal, pouring coffee into my mug from the coffee machine, preparing it to my desires. I picked up a sugar packet before a heavyweight placed itself onto my back, arms wrapping around my shoulders. I turned around to face Roger hugging me from behind, feet ever so slightly off the ground with a soft smile on his face.

"Hi, Bri! So happy to see you!"

Warmth filled my face, blushing, shit.

"Hi, Rog!"

He jumped off of me, back onto the ground.

"Aww, it's cute how your face turns all red when I'm around!"

I blushed harder.

"Aww!" he giggled.

I lifted his chin up, looking into his eyes.

"That face of yours, beautiful and adorable!"

I gave his cheeks a little squish before I leaned in, pecking him a quick peck on the lips, then a longer one.

"Hey guys," John's voice said.

Shit! We broke away immediately in panic, trying to act as if nothing had happened.

"Hey, Deaky, what's up?" Roger asked, keeping a casual tone.

"What are you guys doing?" John formed a confused look.

"Oh, I was just giving Brian here a hug because...he was upset about something, yeah! Right, Brian?" He looked over, telling me to play along with what he was doing.

"Yeah, thank you, Rog, I mean it." I l turned in his direction, smiling at him.

"That's nice, you two really are best friends, huh?"


"Seems like it."

"Well, Brian and I have to go now, nice talking to you, bye!" He said and pulled me out of the room with him.

John's POV

What was that whole situation on Roger hugging Brian about? They stumbled in their words, unsure of what they were saying. For one thing, when I went into the break room, I swore that they looked like they were kissing, their faces were nearly touching each other. But then again, who am I to judge what I really saw? Maybe they were really hugging after all, and my eyes tricked me. But, just in case, I would make sure to keep an eye on them. I walked over to the practice room and got my bass out, tuning it while secretly looking over at Roger and Brian. Hmm...interesting, they stuck together, all up next to each other, laughing, warming up together, and whatnot. Something about the way Brian looked at Roger, his eyes filled with what I thought was love, caring and loving to Roger. 

There was something about Roger, too. He seemed genuinely happier than he was before, in which he was bleaker and reserved. My attention remained on them all day long, scanning their every move. I must say, I made some pretty strange observations. They both always looked at each other whenever there was a small break in between songs, and smiled at one another, too. Brian would purposely move closer to Roger when he played a solo, getting a better view of him. Curiosity overtook me and I wanted to ask Freddie if head noticed anything or I was just being creepy, spying on people. Good thing break time went along, that'll be my chance to ask him about it. I went over to the break room, got my food and sat over next to Freddie.

"Freddie, may I ask you something?

"Of course, darling, what is it?"

"This might come off as creepy, but I did some observations on Brian and Roger, the results were rather...something. They look at each other as if they were in love or something, along with constantly smiling and laughing together, it almost seems that they are a couple! Have you noticed anything about them in general?"

"Not really, but based on what you're saying, it's clear that they are in fact close to each other, like brothers or the bestest of friends. Besides, they always act like that. I'm sure there's nothing going on between them."

"Oh, well um, thanks for your side of things."

"Anytime, dear."

I turned to them and they sat together on one of the sofas, chatting about things I didn't know of. 

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