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The Next Day

"About last night, how fucking dare you try to run away!?" Brian screamed at me.

"I own you and you don't do anything unless I tell you to!"

"B...but—" I stammered.

"You know what, just shut up, you have no say in what happens around here, not that your opinion matters. You get the message? You're weak, useless, but most of all, worthless. Hear that!? Worthless!"

The tension inside of me and the need to defend myself shot out.

"Stop! Brian, please stop! You tell me that every day, don't you think I would know that by now?"

Brian scoffed, shaking his head. "Know what, I can't do this much longer. I can't deal with you anymore."

He was going to do something to me.


Brian charged up to me, more furious than ever, an occurrence that I've never seen that prominent before. He was going to hit me, I threw my arms up, in front of my face out of instinct, blocking whatever he was going to do to me, His hands clenched around my wrists, and pulled them upwards, squishing them in his grip. Good grief...his fingers dug into my arm, the pain coming from it being unbearable. Pulse thumped harder as his hand continued to crush my wrist.

"Fuck you."

He threw me onto the bed, head bouncing back from the impact, vision swaying all over the place. When I refocused, he was gone. Where did he go? I took this chance to try to escape once again. I rolled off the bed and fell onto the ground, attempting to stand up. My legs failed me and I crashed back to the ground. Ouch, it's all crawling now.

"Don't even think about it!"

Brian flipped me over and before I knew it, he whipped me with the belt using all his force, Oh, dear god...the sting and burn...I shrieked at the top of my lungs, shredding through my throat and back arched as if the life was sucked out of me, He stopped and then hammered into my stomach, kicking multiple times, My insides squirmed and I balled up into the fetal position out of the immense pain and in an effort to block his kicks. Nausea gushed into me and I was sure about to throw up. Everything was locking up, body tightened as more jolts of pain came. Brian walked away, leaving me there on the ground, in pure agony. What would he do now?

"Remember this!?" He shoved a picture of us in my face.

I nodded to the best of my ability

"This is pure shit!" He smashed the picture onto the ground, breaking it. The sound of glass shattering lingered around the room. He picked up one of the pieces and held it above me.

"What are you doing!!?" I exclaimed.

The glass inched closer to my body.


Too late.

"W...what have you done!?"

Brian stood up, leaving the room.

Something wasn't right. Brian had stabbed the glass inside of me, but there was no pain, only an intense tingling. It didn't kick in until I touched the wound, the sharp ends running across my fingertips and when my trembling blood covered hand came into view. Oh my god...no, this can't be happening. Floor spun and walls closed in as the reality of the warm blood spilling out of me and onto the ground settled in.

John's POV

Nothing could calm me down. My worries for Roger grew stronger and stronger with each passing day. Not being able to visit him planted a dark feeling into my heart and gut, something that told me that he was getting worse and worse and that I couldn't be denied visiting him anymore. Everytime I tried seeing him, Brian shut me out, closing the door on me, saying that no visitors are allowed because Roger was still "healing." That was bullshit, I knew it. Today, no exceptions, I was going to see him. If Brian denied me again, he'll see what the real meaning of John Deacon is. I may look innocent and shy on the outside but on the inside I was a beast, determined to do anything and not let anyone get in my way, no matter what. Out of all days, today was different. That aching feeling choking up my chest all the time burned more today than any other day and I didn't like the vibes I got from it. They all pointed to Roger, signaling that he wasn't safe. I already lost Freddie, I can't lose Roger too. I sped over to Brian's place knocking on the door. No answer. I knocked again. No answer. Insides churned but I remained calm, still trying to knock as held together as I could. Pure silence. Heart pounded and I banged on the door, pleading for a response. Door rattled and shook with each hit until it busted open. Oh no...Everything stopped, stomach and heart dropping at the sight of Roger on the ground, unconscious, bleeding out onto the ground.

"Roger!" I screamed, running up to his body.

I picked him up, trying to shake him awake.

"Please, wake up! Please!"

He remained unconscious, body limp in my arms. Was he knocked out or dead!? I set his body onto the ground, rubbing his head.

"It's going to be okay, hold on!"

I darted over to the telephone, snatching it into my hands, fingers struggling to dial the ambulance, phone slipping around in my hands, but I managed it.

Everything else was a blur. Roger being pulled up into an ambulance, sitting beside him and the flashing bright lights of the hospital. 

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