You Scared Me!

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Freddie ran inside the lounge room, panting for breath.

"Hello, my darlings!"

"You and John done messing around?" I questioned.

John walked inside, standing next to Freddie,

"Someone said my name?"

"For your information, we weren't messing around, it's called "having fun when you're not working" Freddie remarked.

"Okay, whatever you say, I still think it's messing around though."

"Oh, you silly Brian, anyways, I'm going home now, so bye!" he said walking out the doorway.

John perked up, looking at Freddie.

"I'm going with him, bye!"

"Well, it's the two of us, do you want to hang out or something?" Roger asked.

What should I say? I do want to spend some time with him, but it's strange now, knowing that I liked him.

"actually..I was just going home, maybe another time?"

"All right, I understand."

"Goodbye, then!" and I was out the door.

At Home

I have to tell him, I had to tell Roger how I felt about him, But then again, wouldn't it be too soon? I figured out just today that I fancied him. No, that's not exactly true. I've always had a bit of a crush on him ever since I met him years ago, but today I've only come to accept it. I still wasn't sure if I should do it, what if he rejected me? I have to stop overthinking things. I'll confess to him tomorrow, when I get the chance. I wasn't the person to go around, hiding their feelings, I always let my emotions become known to others. 

The Next Day

Roger's POV

I can't wait for this day to be over. Freddie has been overworking us, recording song after song for our new album with no stops, I was secretly hoping for the words break. 

"Okay, boys, let's go on our breaks, shall we?" Freddie said

"I thought you'd never ask!" I exclaimed, sighing, exiting the room. 

I made my way into the snack bar and obtained my desired food. So many options to choose from, yum! Everyone else came in shortly after when I was just making my way out of the room.

"Where are you going, darling?"

"I thought I'd have my food outside today, it's supposed to be really nice out from what I've heard, is that okay?" I asked, not wanting to upset him.

"Go for it, do what you want."

"All right, bye!"

I exited through the back door of the studio and was instantly met with the cool, crisp air blowing into my face and hot, glistening sun beating its rays down on me. I found a wall that had a small ledge on both sides and took a seat, calmly eating my food while enjoying the beauty of what was outside. The sound of birds chirping and rustling leaves were soothing to the ear. All of this and I was the only one experiencing it. 

"Nice seeing you here, stunning scene, isn't it?"

I immediately jumped out of fear, throat closing in, choking on whatever was in there.

*clears throat, turning around to see Brian sitting on other side of ledge*

"What are you doing here!? You scared the living crap out of me!

"I'm sorry, I didn't expect you to react the way you did."

"You didn't answer my question."

'Oh, yeah...about that, I just wanted to eat outside today, it's always good to to come out here once in a while and not be inside all day long, don't you think?"

"That's true." I answered.

Brian got off the ledge, walking over to me.

"Mind if I sit here?"

"Go ahead."

"Thanks," he said, sitting down.

"I still can't believe gave me a heart attack!"

"Was it a sheer heart attack?"

A pun.

"Brian!" I punched him playfully.

"Sorry, I couldn't refrain myself!"

"Like for real..I was just sitting here eating so calmly and then you came along and scared me, why I thought I was alone!"

"Let's face it, that was hilarious what I did!"

"I suppose." burying my face into my hands out of embarrassment.

"Okay, I'm sorry..."

"It's fine, oh and by the way, do you want to hang out after the practice session today?"


"Please..." giving him sad puppy eyes. "You couldn't yesterday, either."

"All right, fine."

"Yay!" giving Brian a hug.

As soon as I came into contact with him, he pulled away quickly, hiding his face, which was turning red from what I could see. 

"What is it, Bri? Did I do something?" pulling away from him.

"I-It's nothing."

"Are you sure?"

"Y-yeah, anyways, we should go back to the studio, wouldn't want to keep John and Fred waiting."

"That's a good idea, let's-"

Brian was already walking back, a whole lot of distance between us.

"Wait up!" running over to him.

"Oops, sorry about that" he said, continuing his path.

The rest of the walk was me having to catch up to Brian every few seconds because he kept speeding back to the studio for some reason.

"Do you think you could slow down?"

"Am I really going that fast?" Brian asked, oblivious to what he was doing.

"Yes, it's impossible to keep up with you!"

"Sorry, but don't you remember?"

I searched through memories but nothing came into mind.

"Remember what?"

"I'm daddy long legs, of course!"

"Oh, yeah, and I'm just a short blondie."

"You're an adorable short blondie," he said and patted me on the head, tousling around my hair as well.


He let go and pointed to the open door.

"Shall we go inside now?"

"Yes," walking inside.

We made our way down the hallway and into the recording room where Freddie and John were already there.

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