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Roger's POV

Get him into emergency care, right now!

Lights flashed all around me, voices screaming and calling for urgent care immediately. Wheels turning, floor moving underneath me, pressure being put on arms and one of my fingers. Eyes shut and closed, being exposed to whatever was going on the outside. Then, everything went dark, fading into nothing.

A black screen was the only thing in sight, nothing in the dark hole that was well..nothing. Consciousness flowed back into me and the familiar heavy feelings of closed eyes and body came on. Where was I? This place wasn't anything like I've ever been in. Eyes struggled to open, weight pulling down on them, but eventually, they fluttered open and bright lights shone into them. I batted a few times, refocusing on the new scenery before everything fell into place, creating the sight of a hospital room and me laying on a bed. 

Tubes coursing around my body, finger pinched into the heart monitor. An eyesore, bandage wrapped around my torso with the underlying color of blood seeping out from under it. Then, a familiar person appeared out of the corner of my eyes. John. I turned towards him and watched as he sat next to me, holding a book in his hands and reading through it without a care in the world. He looked in my direction and snapped the book closed, focusing all his attention on me.

"Roger, thank goodness you're alive! I've been worrying about you nonstop, why I thought I lost you!"

I didn't want those thoughts creeping into his mind, once someone got them, they could never get rid of them.

"It's okay, I'm alive and that's what matters, Don't worry about me, John," I reassured him.

"No, I can't not worry about you. You were there bleeding to near death on the ground with blood all over you and on the ground, a pool around you. Body limp, not responding to anything I tried! You almost died..and y-you know, Freddie..and then you?! I couldn't.." He stopped once he realized he was rambling.

"John, it's fine. Everything's fine, I'm all right."

"Are you sure you're okay? I mean, you were stabbed into, how could you be fine after all of that?"

"I just am, and yes, I'm sure I'm okay, thank you for asking."

John sat back down, leaning into my direction, eyes never leaving me.

"Sorry for being dramatic. It's hard losing someone you've considered your family and then another one being on the brink of death, waiting to be taken away from you."

Freddie and I. He felt guilty and blamed himself for what had happened to both of us, I couldn't let him do that to himself.

"No, you did nothing wrong, you don't need to be sorry for anything. Life is like this, even though sometimes we may not like it, it just how things are."

He nodded his head, taking in what I said,

The rest of the remaining time, we spoke for hours, laughing, crying at times, enjoying each other's company, forgetting about what the world had in store for us, endless worries.

"Are you sure you're fine here?" John asked, about to stand up to leave.

"Yes, I'll be safe here, you can go now."

"Okay, well goodbye for now," he said, standing from his seat.

"Wait," I called out.

He turned around, looking at me.

"Thank you, John, thank you for everything you've done for me, but one question, why?"

"What do you mean by "why?" Roger?"

"I'm only a waste of space, a good for nothing and worthless person with no life, why would you do something like that for a person like me? I thought everyone hated me and wanted me to die."

John's face fell apart and now formed a gaping mouth, raised eyebrows, and eyes shining with tears about to fall out.

"W..who would say that to you?"

"Brian, that's who."

John's face turned upside down into an expression that said he wanted to kill Brian.

"You must get the message through to him that what he's doing is wrong you have to!" John shouted.

His face was creased with lines of both anger and worry, it was evident that he truly cared about me.

"You don't understand, I-I can't!"

"Well, if you're not going to do it, then I'm going to have to do it for you!" He shot up, storming over to the door.

"John! You mustn't do anything!"

He turned back, looking at me.

"Make sure Brian doesn't try to come into here."

He turned on his heel and left the room, locking the door behind him. 

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