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2 Months Later

Freddie's POV

Roger had changed, his world turned upside down the day Brian left. Ever since that day, he hasn't been the same. This worried me, his changes weren't good ones at all, they were in fact horrible. He always locked himself inside his house and most of all, his cupboard, refusing to come out to anyone, unless of course, it was Brian. 

His eating habits took a turn for the worst too, but he proved to us that he was fine after John and I questioned him about it. Practice and recording sessions weren't any better, he never said a word to John and I, his mouth remained shut at all times, not daring to say a word, even when we tried talking to him. From what John told me, he cried himself to sleep numerous times, occasionally screaming in agony. Everything scared me, a heavy weight built up in my chest and stomach sunk. Roger had all these problems on his hands and there was nothing John or I could do about it, his underlying depression coming back to haunt him again. It could become worse for all I knew. There had to be something John and I could do to help him through it, there had to, or else, I don't think Roger would make it. Even I doubted what I could do, staring at all the tissues with coughed up blood on them. A secret I kept to myself, a death sentence.

One Month Later

Roger's POV

I thought this day would never come, the day Brian came back from America. Heart jumped with excitement and a million thoughts ran through my mind. I shouldn't get too hyped up though, what if everything I feared really did come true? 

Oh no. Okay, I have to stay calm and not think of those dark thoughts. I was already going through a hard time, these past few months had been hell, everyday and all day. I tried to keep my emotions in control, so I bottled them up, but then there came times where I broke and had a breakdown, Freddie and John tried helping me, but I refused. I didn't need any help, I could do this on my own. It took a great deal of effort to do anything, nothing came easy to me and most times, even getting out of bed was an impossible task. Going out wasn't an option either, I isolated myself in my room, with only my thoughts. I tried my best to act as happy as possible and push thoughts to the back of my mind. I couldn't let them interfere with today, especially with Brian coming back, I didn't want him to know about my depression.  If I did tell him, I would just be an annoyance to him and waste his time. For all I knew, it wouldn't go away, but with Brian coming back, it would get better.

At The Airport

Where is he? It had been at least fifteen minutes since I arrived at the airport and waited for Brian, anxiously searching for him. Nowhere in sight, maybe he wasn;t back yet. What a long flight that must've been. I took one last glance and alas, there he was, walking along with a blank expression on his face. I shot out of my seat, running straight for him, full of excitement. I jumped onto him and wrapped my legs around his waist with hands around his neck and body.

"Oh, Brian, how I missed you!"

He laughed nervously. "Yeah, how I've missed you too! I couldn't stand one more day away from you!"

He picked me up sheepishly and twirled me through the air, setting me down afterwards.

"I'm so glad you're back!"

I leaned in a gave him a quick kiss on the lips before he pulled away abruptly.

"You know what, let's go home now."


Something wasn't right. Brian seemed a little...different. His behavior was not the same as it had always been. For one thing, when he walked down through the airport, it was almost as if wasn't searching for me and would have likely passed and left, without me. Our kiss, why had he pulled away? Did he not love me anymore? The thought of that made my stomach drop, I had a horrible feeling about this. It hurt and upset me too, but I wasn't about to cry again, I had to show that I was strong, so I kept it to myself, forcing the feeling to stay hidden. 

The Love I Never Gave-MaylorWhere stories live. Discover now