Warning Signs

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The Next Day

Roger's POV

"Can you hurry up!?" Brian complained.

"One sec..." Still eating.

John came in, laying eyes on us.


"Could you go any slower, like the fucking pig you are? That's it, I'm leaving, see you later, not." He stood up, leaving the room.

A pig? Was I really eating that much? Oh no, I have to cut down on my food intake, the idea of being unhealthy sent shivers down my spine, I couldn't let that happen to me. John ran over to where I was, a worried look on his face.

"Roger, are you okay!?"

I turned towards him, his eyes wide with shock and worry. I wasn't fine, but I didn't want anyone to have to worry about me.

"Yeah, I guess..."

"Don't listen to him, you're eating just fine, don't ever change because of something Brian said to you, it's not true."

"Really? I think what he's saying is true."

"Trust me, it's not. By the way, what's the matter with him?"

"I don't know, but I really want to. It's like he came back from his trip as a whole different person."

"If you ever need support, I'm right here, okay?"


John turned away and walked out of the room.

I've been wrong about Brian. Stupid me thought his new self was temporary, but it wasn't. After what happened yesterday, I didn't know why it surprised me. Him snuggling up with me threw my doubts out the window and made me think that his attitude had been for when we were in bed. I was wrong. Earlier today, he forced me to make breakfast and I made him something, but he didn't like it. He threatened to beat me, so I tried again. Once more, he didn't like it. After a while, he gave up on me and went to the studio for breakfast instead. I feared for the future. I finished eating and went into the recording room to warm up on my drums, it would my mind to calm down, shoving negative thoughts out of the way. Brian was nowhere to be seen. He must be angry at me, what did I do now? I always managed to make him upset, to the point that it didn't even come as a surprise to me anymore.

"All right, everyone, places please!" Freddie instructed.

John went into his usual position to the right front of me, but the left side remained empty.

"Is everyone in their place?"

I pointed at the empty spot.

"Brian's not here? He told me he was supposed to be back today, weird..."

"But he is—"

"Hey, sorry for being late, I had business to sort out." Brian said, walking into the room.

Sorry? That's the first time I've heard him say that since he came back. He took his red special and went into his spot in front of me, but he drifted off into space, his own world.

"Brian, over here!" I whispered at him, trying to fix his mistake.

He shook his head, giving me a dirty look.

"So Brian, these past few months we've been recording more songs and all you have to do is put in your guitar solos, okay?"

"Got it."

"Could you scoot in a bit more, towards Roger, you seem isolated there,"

"Fine..." He groaned, moving in my direction.

Freddie facial expression changed and showed the slightest hint of surprise, who could blame him? Brian shocked me as much as Freddie. He played his solos, moving away from me. Why did he hate me? I haven't done any wrong to him, what could have I done to make him despise me so much? By the end of the first half of the session, he was about 20 feet away from me, almost on the other side of the room. It was time for break, oh no...I didn't want to see how this turned out.

"Here you are, let's go," he said taking my hand. Something told me he forced himself to come over to me. His hand crushed mine, not in a pleasing manner either, like a real hand hold should be. We reached the breakroom and he pushed me onto the sofa, head hitting hard against the back of it.

"What the hell, Brian? Why'd you do that?" I sat up, rubbing my head.

"Listen, I don't give a fuck about you just do as I say. Be quiet and shut that pretty little mouth of yours, got it?"

I nodded.

His demeanor scared me and I and I wouldn't do anything that would set him off the edge. Do as he says.

John's POV

I had a horrible feeling about Brian's return, more so of his and Roger's relationship together. Based on today, things were taking a turn for the worst, into a horrendous place. They sat together on the sofa as usual, but they weren't talking to each other at all, sitting in their company, dead silent. Roger had a subtle frown, eyes watering up. Brian on the other hand, an angry expression dominated his face, scowling and looking over at him with beady eyes of seriousness.

"Fred, have you noticed—"

"Indeed, Brian, in changed, in the most horrifying manner."

I didn't like where this was heading, more importantly, where it would end up. All possible pushed towards pain. This was the start of something dark. 

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