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Brian's POV

"So, when can we tell them about us?" Roger asked.

"One of these days when the time is right."

"Wouldn't it be much easier to tell them right now, get it off our backs and be ourselves, liking one another without any worries?"

"That's true, but let's wait until it's perfect timing, wouldn't want to announce it on a bad note."

"All right, if you insist, but I'm still not so sure about this."

"Trust me, everything will be fine. On a more positive note, would you maybe...want to go out with me? A date?" I asked.

His face lit up exactly as it did last night and made me ecstatic, that big smile of his and his eyes filled with happiness, it would never get old.

"Why, of course, Brian. I would love to go on a date with you!" He threw himself in for a hug.

"Shh, not so loud!"

"Oops, sorry," he laughed.

Freddie looked over at us.

"A date!? What date!?"

"...oh, Roger..." I sighed.

He lent over to me whispering into my ear. "I'll take care of this."

He cleared his throat, preparing for what to say.

"Oh, Freddie, I'm going on a date with this girl, Crystal and Brian here is giving me tips."

"Hmm, okay, but I don't understand why you would need dating advice, you've been on at least a billion dates!"

"It's always good to get extra help!" Roger chimed.

"Well, good luck on that date of yours," Freddie said, skeptical about the thing.


Roger turned back over to me, dying of cringe.

"That was awkward."

That's what you get for being loud," I chuckled out.

"If I could strangle you, I would do it right now." Roger having a playful expression.

"I doubt you would," I laughed.

"I'm not doing it because I like you too much. Anyways, where is our date going to be at?" He asked.

"I was thinking—"

"I know! We can go over to my house after the session and cook us up a nice dinner, that way it'll only be the two of us, what do you think?"

"I like that idea. Maybe go outside afterwards?"

"Yep, anything you want."

Hours Later

"All right, darlings. That's it for today! Don't forget tomorrow we have the day off!"

The time for the date approached quickly. Roger and I walked out of the room and made our way down the hallways of the studio.

"Are you ready?" Roger questioned.

"You bet I am! How are you feeling? Excited, nervous, anything?"

"I'm ninety nine percent excited and the last bit is a tad nervous."

"There's nothing to be afraid of, it's only us, I don't bite!"

"Haha, very funny, Brian."

"I bet you aren't as excited as I am!"

I ran up behind him and gave him the biggest hug of his life, lifting him off the ground, as I stood taller than him,

"Brian!" He laughed.

"C'mon you short blondie, we've got a date to attend to!"

At Roger's House

Roger hovered the apron in front of me, waving it in the air.



The dinner was amazing, we talked and laughed through most of it. The process of making the dinner, however, not so much. The first time around, we accidentally burned the food and forgot an ingredient, so we had to start over. The second try ended in the same way. The third time, don't even mention it. Fourth one being near perfect, but the fifth time was the one. The delicious, zesty, mouth-watering taste of the food proved enough to make our date that much better.

"What do you want to do now?" Roger asked.

"Go outside, as I said earlier."

"Outside...let's see, there's a park right near here, we could go there!"

"Sounds good," I said, opening the door. "You first."

"Why, thank you," Roger cheered and walked out the door.

We left the house and made our way to the park, enjoying the crisp air and the smell of freshly cut grass.

"We've been walking for a while, how about we take a break?" Roger suggested.

"Okay, where to?"

"There." He pointed at a bench.

"Let me do the honors."

I scooped him up into my arms bridal style, carrying him over to where he wanted.

"Oh, Brian, what would I do without you?"

I set him down on the bench, taking a seat next to him.

"Ooh! Look at the moon, it's beautiful!" Roger squealed.

The moon dominated majority of the night sky, illuminating everything in its path with moonlight.

"Wow, that's gorgeous, but look at the stars, they're my favourite." I commented.

"True that, but the moon is my favourite!"

I wrapped his arm across his shoulder, bringing him in closer to me.

"You know, all these stars remind me of something."

"What could that be?"

"The stars are people and even with all these people on earth to choose from, I've only ever wanted you."

I drew Roger towards me and we kissed, closing eyes and taking our time.

My breathing decelerated and I went in deeper into the kiss, making sure to get a taste of all things in the mix, taking in the real feelings. We separated from one another, and I entwined my fingers into his own. I gave it a light squeeze, finding comfort in the fact that person I cared for was right under my fingertips.

"What do you say we go home now?" I asked.

"Yeah, and we should make this a daily thing, being here at 10pm every night no exceptions on this exact bench."

"That's a good idea, we'll do it. Mind if I stay for the night?"

"I thought you'd never ask, of course you can!"


We stood up from the bench and stolled back to Roger's house resting his head on my shoulder, without a care in the world. 

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