Chapter 43 - Its just the beginning

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Courtney's POV
Here we were, sitting quietly on the brandy grey sofa of my home. My last known location before I was kidnapped by the man who had now just confessed his feelings for me 2 hours ago. Yes, I admit that I have strong feelings for him but also the feeling is awkward. Everyone was shocked, even I was shocked but Brandon was more shocked than me even though I'm the main character in this situation and Harry, well what can I say, he looked terrified after he confessed his love for me.

"I've never been in a relationship before," Harry clearly stated.

"Me either," I replied bluntly. "What do you think they're doing in there?"

When we first arrived here, Harry and I were told to sit in the living room and were given strict instructions not to move or they'll make us eat grass. They've all been in the kitchen for some time now and it's quite obvious what they're talking about.

"You think they're talking about us?" I asked him.

"Clearly," he answers.

"Did you mean that?" I asked,

"Mean what?"

"What you said back there?" Gesturing to what happened 2 hours ago with my eyes.

"You look weird," he states.

Could he be any dumber?

"Harry?" I called to him.

"Yes?" He answers in a bored tone.

"Did you mean it?" I was staring at him intensely waiting for an answer.

"Stop looking at me like that," he demands

Did this dumbass say he loved me a few hours ago and now won't even look me in the face?

"You're an arrogant selfish blood-sucking one-of-a-kind leech!" I yelled. "You care for no one but yourself except when you need something and then you expect everyone to follow you around and obey you with every nonsense that comes out of your mouth! I'm sick of you and your selfish ways! You had the balls to say you love me and now you won't even touch me! You're just like the man I expected you to be when I bumped into you at the mall! A good looking bastard who sleeps with girls and whose gonna just sleep with me then break me into pieces and I can't stand-"

And just like that, he smashed his pink lips onto mine. Harry pulled away and looked me directly in the eyes, "When do you ever stop talking?"

"If you think your gonna get me back with one kiss with your plushy soft beautiful tasty lips then your wrong mister," I stated.

"You think my lips are beautiful?" He smirked.

"Stop being so full of yourself," I smacked him in the head. "First you had the balls to finally say you love me and then your balls dropped."

"Courtney your the most kind-hearted beautiful girl I've ever met..."

Okay I'm freaking out

"...Courtney, you got my heart. I've never had this much love for someone. The stuff that had happened in the past made me break down and build a wall but you somehow never gave up and climbed over it. I may not be the perfect prince for you but I will never regret loving you and this is one of the best decisions that I will ever make. Your love has made me a stronger and better person. When I think of your love, I feel like I'm addicted to you. My love for you is sweeter than honey, brighter than the sun, and deeper than the darkness in unspeakable places. I'll always be there for you no matter the situation. What more can a man like me ask for than being here today with the best girl in the world. You are the only and only one I will ever be able to love and I think I want to marry you and baby...I am Daddy," he finishes with the most cheesy perverted grin.

"Oh my goodness that was so nasty," I said. "Who says I am Daddy when sharing feelings to someone?"

"Me," he replies. "That's who."

"I'm speechless," I truthfully said. Everything he has just said to me made my heart pop.

"What can I say... I'm a natural," he said.

"Wow that was beautiful," Niall said with a bowl of popcorn in his hands, stuffing them into his mouth.

"Damn right about that," everyone else who was supposed to be in the kitchen now in the living room said.

"Don't tell me everyone heard everything," Harry said to me.

"Hate to break it to ya but they did honeybun," I say to him.

"So you two are together now?" Erica asked pointing at the both of us.

"Guess we are," Harry states and places his arms around me.

Someone call the motheroreos firefighters up in here!

I smiled, probably looking like a three-year-old getting a new set of underwear for Christmas. I looked over to Brandon to see him smiling at us.

"Why are you smiling?" I asked.

"Why would you ask that?" he asked.

"Aren't you suppose to be like killing Harry or something for confessing his undying love for your little sister?" I asked him. "No offense Harry."

"None taking," he says in the background.

"Courtney I'm happy if you are," my brother says. "And your happiness means the world to me."

I hugged him and smiled into his chest.

"But that doesn't mean I won't kill him if he ever hurts you," he adds.

Everyone laughed, "Only you Brandon."

"And I'll bury you alive if you make her cry," Corbyn commented.

I smiled at him and went over to Harry standing with his hands in his pockets.

"So what now?" I asked him.

"We let life take its course," he replies. "And trust me this is only the beginning."

That's it!! It's finished! You know I felt cheesy and was gonna add a sex scene but tryna keep it PG up in here. Thank you all for reading this book I really appreciate it but it has ended here. 

Love ya!!❤️❤️❤️❤️

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