Chapter 34 - Death in Paradise

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Harry's P.O.V.

No one knew I had a sister, first, it's unbelievable, and then when you get closer into it you'll see it's true. Telling people I have a sister was not what I wanted to be true. I didn't like Erica. She was always so damaging and uptight, and I guess that's where I come in.

Erica and I grew up in the orphanage together. The orphanage was like a prison or maybe an asylum because there were a lot of crazy people there. We were always beaten up and punished for something we didn't do. One time they made us strip and then they placed us in the freezer.

When we turned 12 we decided we would leave the place. It didn't end well on the first attempt because in the night one of the nuns caught us and decided that we should be punished. But Erica decided that she didn't want to be punished. That night we snuck into the room of the nun because we decided to play a prank on her but the prank ended the wrong way.

With the intent of pranking the nun, Erica injected her in her sleep and covered her in plastic wrap. When she woke up she couldn't move or speak. We bought her into the canteen where all the kids laughed at her and threw their food at her.

She lost balance and fell forward onto one of the tables, breaking her neck. When she fell on the floor we noticed she wasn't moving. The janitor came in and saw the incident. He locked us in a room AND that's where Erica and I escaped through a window. We went separate ways because she thought it was better for us.

And now here she is standing beside me

"Shocked?" Erica asked they all nodded.

"What are you doing here in Miami?" I asked her as my hands form into a fist.

"Just hanging with my peeps," she said picking at her nails.

"Stop lying and tell me the God damn truth!" I shouted at her.

"Don't scream at me Harry or someone might die," she started to threaten me. "Remember what happened last time someone died?"

"Don't you dear talk about that," I was getting upset.

"You did help me kill-"

"Shut up! Shut the f-"

"Watch your language Harry," Liam warned me.

"Who gives a damn about my language?" I asked him.

"Courtney," Niall fake choked on his drink.

"You sound like Mickey Mouse-," Zayn was about to finish when Loren finished his sentence.

"Doing coke," she finished his sentence and they both laughed.

"Is everybody forgetting something?" Louis asked.

"Yeah, where's Courtney?" Niall asked.

"I didn't find her," I groaned.

"Who's Gigi?" Erica asked still picking her nails.

"Her name is Courtney," I hissed at her.

" like a girl," she punched my chest.

"You might be my sister but I'm not afraid to give you your ultimate death," I warned her.

"Calm down Bowbow," she laughed. "So is Courtney your girlfriend?"

"No," I answered her.

"Just tell her already," Niall groaned.

"Courtney is just a girl who's staying with us and now she's missing because Harry wasn't watching her," Liam said.

"You guys are so cliché," Lele laughed.

"What race are you?" Louis asked her.

"I'm a Latina," she blushed as Louis smiled at her.

"It's not my fault she's missing," I exclaimed. "I was ordering food and Courtney was sitting down with a woman."

"And now she's missing!" Zayn screamed.

"What if it was-"

"It can't be them," I cut Niall off.

"It is possible because if they know your not paying attention then it's the one chance to kidnap someone," Lea smiled at us and we stared at her.

"How did she-"

"It's just this thing she does all the time," Loren answered Zayn.

"It's all my fault," I groaned and buried my face in my palms.

"It's definitely all your fault," Erica says.

"You're not helping," we all said in unison to her and she shrugged.

"What are we going to do?" Niall asked.

"We're not going to be able to find them," I said with no hope.

"Why not just hack some shit and find see if any vehicle left with high speed with the Veronica inside," Erica said still picking her nails.

She had a habit of doing that

"," I hissed at her.

"Fine! Geez!" Erica laughed.

"Erica does have a point," Niall admitted.

"Yeah she does, but that doesn't mean we should follow her," I said and looked at her.

"What's your problem with me?" Erica asked.

"You're a killer, that's what you are," I said to her. "Anything cold one too."

"Like your any better baby brother," she whispered to me.

"Aww they're having a brother-sister moment," Lea cooed.

"Are we missing something?" Louis asked but I ignored him.

"Guys just stop fighting and let's focus on the main point here," Liam says. "Courtney was our responsibility Harry and now she's missing and my lucky guess is the same person who we were hiding her from."

"Your right," I admit.

"When was I ever wrong?" he asked.

"Not you but probably when your mother gave birth to you," Erica mumbled under her breath.

"What the heck did you just say about my mother?" Liam stood up and Lea calmed him down.

"Erica if you don't want to help it's your decision," I said to her.

"I may treat you like nothing but that doesn't mean I want you to go through things alone," she said to me.

"Thanks," I said to her.

"And what I really mean is that I want to use cool weapons and stuff," she grinned.

"You never change do you?" I asked her.

"I don't plan to," she said and took a sip of Niall's drink.

"Hey that's mine," Niall got up and started to whine.

"Sit down and all you'll ever taste is the cup itself," Erica said to him and he listened.

"Let's go kick ass!!" Loren screamed.

"Girls," Erica and I said in unison.

With me and Erica together...

...It's death in paradise


Erica and Harry could be relatives in real life😂😂 well in my imaginative mind but...meh

I think Lea and Liam would be a cute couple😉

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