Chapter 26 - Haircut

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Courtney's P.O.V.

Barbara was gone and now Louis, Zayn, Niall, Harry, and I were sitting in the dining area waiting for Pampers to come back with the food. It's 2 days left until Christmas and I'm still stuck here.

"Why did you send out Pampers when you know I have no one else to trouble but him?" I asked Harry.

"Because it's better than sending out anyone else here sitting at this table," he said looking on his iPhone. I've never seen any of the guys with a phone before.

"Why?" I asked.

"Because Zayn will get in a fight and cause trouble, Niall is stupid and might even cause more trouble than Zayn, Louis is just Louis, and-" he stopped.

"And?" I asked wanting him to finish.

"We all know what will happen if I go out there," he smirked at me and returned to his phone.

"Oh...your right. You'll just randomly pick up any girl you see, do whatever you want to them, and then just break their heart," I spoke fast.

"And that's because you caught me with Barbara?" he asked with wide eyes.

"This is gonna be interested," I heard Niall whispered.

"Why would you even have sex with her when she looks like a face transplant went wrong," I said and I meant it.

"Isn't it my body and I can do whatever I want with it?" he asked. "What the problem with me having sex with girls?"

"The problem is you!! You can't just go around having sex with girls and then throw them aside like a piece of dirty underwear. Do you not understand that girls are sensitive?" I was screaming at him.

"Yeah, I do know that they're sensitive and I also know that they're very loud, annoying, and get upset when they can't even find shoes," he finishes.

"You gorilla," I called him.

"Witch," he shot at me.

"Pansy," I shot back.

"Bone head," he said smiling.

"Caveman," I fired.

"Prude," he called me.

"Doggyknobber!" I screamed at him

"Now that was rude you big troglodyte," he pretended to be offended.

I gasped and began to throw words at him, "retard, twat, dingbat, galah, and hairy tomato that needs a haircut." I started to hit him in the head.

"Stop hitting me," he hissed and tried to protect himself with his hands. We heard the door open and saw that it was Liam, but I kept smacking Harry in the head. He was so mean and arrogant so who wouldn't want to smack him? That sounded wrong.

"Courtney gets off of Harry," Liam says as he places everything on the table.

"Pampers!" I screamed with joy and ran over to him jumping on his back. "Where were you so long?"

"It's two days until Christmas crazy child," he said and I came off of his back. "There's a lot of traffic and crazy people trying to get things they don't even need but because it's on sale."

"Don't you guys celebrate?" I asked Liam who was packing out the food on the table.

"That's up to Harry," he sighed.

I turned to Harry who was still on his phone," Harry?" I called but he didn't answer.
"Harry, Harry, Harry, Harry, Harry, Harry, Harry, Harry, Harry, Harry, Harry," I started to nag.

"What!?" I hear his arrogant British voice.

"We need a Christmas tree," I said to him and he didn't answer. I snatched his phone from his hands and he grabbed it back away from me.

"No," he said.

"Why not?" I stood up and asked.

"Because I say so," he said in a sassy tone. "And I don't want a big hairy tree standing in this hotel room."

If I wanted to get Harry to do something for me that he wouldn't do I would have to do it my way.

"And don't you dear start nagging at me because I know you were thinking of it," he says not looking up from his phone.

"Please," I said pouting my lips and giving him puppy eyes. He looked up at me and went back to his phone, so I went closer to him, "Please."

"Fine," he sighed.

"Ok so tomorrow we can go Christmas shopping," I jumped clapping my hands. I then looked down at the table and gasped.

"There's pure healthy food here," Niall whined

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"There's pure healthy food here," Niall whined.

"Niall just eat because you need to be healthy," Zayn scolded him. "Besides on Christmas day, that's where we eat a lot of junk food."

"Pampers what the heck," I said.

"Don't worry, on Christmas, it's gonna never more than this," he said patting my back. "Sit down and dig in."

I sat down and started to eat. I took a bite of breadsticks and moaned, "I think I just got diabetes."


We were all finished stuffing our faces. Why couldn't this happen before I was kidnapped? Eat, get fat, and then it would be harder to be kidnapped. We were on the sofa deciding what to do next.

"Let's give Harry a haircut," I suggested and Harry widened his eyes.

"Hell no!! he screamed. "Especially with having Courtney in my head...I don't think so."

"Come on," I pleaded.

"No," he said.

Moments later Harry fell asleep. The guys and I decided to cut his hair while he was sleeping. We all knew that it would be the end of our lives but yet we decided to continue with it anyway.

I got the scissors and started to cut his long locks off piece by piece. I didn't know Harry slept dead. Niall took out Harry's phone and started to video the moment.


Wait till he wakes up tomorrow


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