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00 chapter

"Would you still have to leave me to die once again?"

Y/n watched as the highest wall she's ever seen in her lifetime being held by an unbelievably big gigantic hand. Smoke sizzling in that certain direction with the skinless hand clutched tighter into the concrete while the head slowly came to view. A titan so large that no one has ever seen in their entire life, staring at them with eyes they can never tell what he thinks about.

Then the gate off Shiganshina was kicked off, easily throwing off large rocks and other remains from the gates of the wall. People close from it were either lucky enough to survive, but others were squashed by the big rubbles. Panic surrounded the inner walls as titan started appearing. Everyone ran screaming for dear life, ignoring the few children who had been stepped on over the stampede.

Her e/c eyes watched the whole reality of this world unfolded before her very eyes. these things... they are titans. They are the threat to humanity...

Your POV

I opened my eyes, finding the illuminating light from the window that welcomed my sight when I sat up that morning. Irritated, it squinted from the ray and stood up. My body automatically reached for my trainee uniform while thinking about the dream I just had that time before I woke up to face another day of hellish training. The same thing. The tragedy that killed so many people and refugees were discriminated. The pain of watching your home die before your very eyes.

I blinked. Tightening my harness belted to my waist and then putting on the boots provided for us, deciding to get out of the room I shared with the other cadets. Quietly, I made my way to the stables, looking at each and every horses I was about to feed that morning. Lifting my arms behind me, I yawned. The early morning isn't giving me much reason to feel alive, unlike Eren who seemed to be brimming with infinite enthusiasm within him as he swore to kill titans and all.

Well, talk about the guy. We're actually neighbors back then at Shiganshina. Not playmate since I wasn't that much of a child who's outgoing and rather put my nose on the books I was reading. But I was Armin's friend because of that matter. We get along pretty well, despite the fact that Arlert was an outgoing boy himself with friends like Eren and Mikasa by his side. Although, he told me a lot of secrets. Things about the outside world and what's outside those walls such as a vast endless salt water called ocean. He was such a boy full of hope that made me admire him. But because of his ambition, and the history of his parents, other kids just find him odd and bully him for the matter.

"Okay, breakfast." I poured the last fill of food for the horse before I hurried out to join my other classmates for the morning meal. Because once I'm late again, Sasha might eat almost all my meal saying that she's only 'helping out' from finishing the meal I was supposed to be eating to fill my own energy.

Finally reaching the dining area, I huffed in relief to find the other cadets are just about to begin eating. I looked around and found Armin waving at me which returned back with a tender smile. Making my way to line up for food before joining the usual trio.

"Good morning." I greeted sheepishly, sitting beside the blonde as I placed my tray in front of the table. And more to my dismay, Sasha automatically sat beside me with her own food.

"Good morning, Y/n." Armin greeted.

Eren gave a looked at the me, then to the ponytailed brunette who was setting her eyes towards my food while she munches her own bread hungrily. "Hey, Sasha. I don't think you should come stealing Y/n's food. Commandant Shadis will punish her again if she lost all energy to go on the daily training." He said.

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