chapter 38

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I woke up by Ace's alarm, I hated it. I sat on the bed and saw Ace already dressed and ready for school. "morning sleepy head. Now get dressed cause we have school." He said. I got up and realized that I had these freaking shorty shorts on.

I turned around and saw Ace smirking and looked on my butt. "hey do you mind?" I asked him. "no not at all, continue what you're doing." Ace said smirking while he was still in his same position. "done checking me out?" I asked with a hand on my hip. "no?!" He answered with a duh tone "shut up" I said chuckling and got my stuff and went to the bathroom to change.

Ace went downstairs and I was in the room all by myself. I made sure I had all my supplies for my 'mission' or what so ever. I got my keys and a recording machine. So I know you're wondering why I didn't take anything more than that, so the answer to that my dear is that everything else is there. Like the gun, bullets and handcuffs oh yeah and that asshole.

We brought coffee from Starbucks and we were in school at the moment. Ace and I went to our separate ways. He had history and I had chemistry.

I loved chemistry don't get me wrong but after 2 periods of chemistry with Mrs. Gonzales I was really tired, especially since I am already stressed. It was 10:30 am and that means that I had a free period. I went to the library to use a from there laptop, it was the only place that had laptops and wifi.

I opened Google. 'what to do when you have an abusive step-father' I wrote in the search column. There came lots of different sites, but unfortunately, all of them had the same solution. Call the police, tell your mum, tell your dad, tell a teacher, tell a friend's parent you trust or tell a grown-up that you can trust.

Since I can't make any of these because I tried calling the cops and he's a cop already. I don't have a mother or a dad. I would never tell a teacher because they will pity me. I don't have a friend's parent to trust or a grown-up. So I'm gonna stick to my plan.

I was still in front of the laptop thinking about tonight and heard someone calling my name from afar. I looked to see who it was and it was Carter and Nicole. I closed the laptop immediately for them not to see what I was searching for. They raised their eyebrows from my sudden reaction. "what ya doing" Car asked. "um nothing" I said. "it's 12:30 pm, aren't you coming to lunch?" Nic asked. "what? It's 12:30 pm?" I asked not believing that the time flew by so quickly. "so are you coming or not?" Car asked. "yeah sure I'm coming," I said going after them to the cafeteria. "so what were you doing in the library?" Nic asked. "I was searching for something I took today in chemistry. The chemical reaction." I said making up a lie really quickly.

We were in the cafeteria. I got a bunch of food in case I got hungry at my house. We went and sat next to Ace, Max, and Liam. I sat next to Ace to be greeted by him kissing me. I smiled while we were kissing. "are you ok? you look different and you seem a little scared." He asked me, knowing me too well. "I am fine. Why would you think that?" I asked him a little bit hesitant. "well because your hand is a little bit sweaty. You don't make eye contact and you keep moving your hair behind your ears which never happens." He said. "well there is nothing," I said. "and you bought a lot of food like your starving. Can I take this because I guarantee that you will not eat this." Liam asked me. I shook my head and threw him the cookie. Ace hit him on the back of his head. "hey what did I do?" "don't disrespect my girlfriend?" Ace said.

After 20 minutes the break finished Ace and the guys went to their classes while I was still sitting in my place. The girls were about to leave when I caught them. "Hey Carter, Nicole," I said their names and they looked at me. "can I ask you for a favor?" I asked them " anything," both of them said at the same time. "ok, so um. So I'm gonna skip school and I won't be there when Ace goes to his house. He will be there at five or maximum 6 pm. So can you cover it or me? and if I don't come by 7 tell Ace that I told you to cover for me, ok?" I asked them desperately. "sure, but where are you going?" Nic asked. "um, somewhere" I didn't want to tell them because they would refuse of me going. "ok, but should we be worried?" Car asked me. "No, not at all," I said lying. Basically, yes, yes they should worry. "ok bye then." I said.

I walked calmly to the school gates and once I was out of the school I ran. I ran as fast as I could. My body was aching for a chair of preferable a bed. My legs were really hurting me.

After a 5 minute run, I was in front of the devil's house. I got the keys from my bag and opened the door then entered the house. I got upstairs and got inside Dave's bedroom I kept searching for the gun but it was hidden god knows where. I searched in the last place that I had hope in I went in his dressing room and I searched underneath a piece of wood on the ground, that I never had the guts to see what's underneath it.

I opened it and saw a handgun and lots of bullets lying next to it. I opened the magazine well to see if it was loaded. It only had two bullets inside it. I put eight bullets inside it so that it was fully loaded. I made sure it was ready to shoot. I put it inside my pants.

I put my hand once again in the gap in the floor and found two handcuffs.

I took all the stuff that I needed downstairs I set everything up. The handcuffs were in my bag, I set the recorder in my back pocket so that his voice could be listened, and I made sure that the gun was ready to shoot. I closed my phone and was finally finished and was ready for the mission to begin. It was 5 o'clock when I finished so he would be here any minute.

After a couple of minutes the door opened and was shut closed.

Well then let the mission begin.

Unbreak my heartTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon