chapter 26

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Ella POV

After a minute she flushed the toilet and washed her hands then I realized that I didn't the blood after myself in the bathroom. "so you told us you're sick huh?" Nic asked "yeah?" I said with a questioning look. "ok I believe you" she said. I sighed in relief. "ok but what is this." She took a towel filled with blood from behind her back. "what the hell is that?" Car asked in shock. I was scared and didn't have anything in mind to say "oh that I was trying something that I saw on youtube. And that is fake blood" I said saving myself "Ok then why do you have your first aid kit filled with real blood?" Nic asked. "Please tell us so that we can help you," Car said hugging me. I couldn't help but flinch. It was really out of my league. I went to my dressing room and closed the door.

I took my hoodie and sweatpants off. I exited the room and saw them gasp. I was in my sports bra and shorty shorts. They gasped again. "when I entered the house it was already opened I got the first thing that was on view so that I could hit anyone that was on my way. Then I got hit by the monster he kept torturing me for an hour or so. He threatened me and told me he wouldn't kill me and he will always torture me till I die. And if I tell anyone I will get killed and that he would kill all my beloved ones and I couldn't risk losing you guys." I said crying again.

They engulfed me with a hug. "don't tell Ace I don't want him to know" in that second my phone rang. It was Ace. "it's Ace, could anyone of you answer?" I asked. Nicole took the phone "Hello?" She greeted "duuh I'm Nicole," she said. I guess he asked where I was. "Um, she isn't here right now she's taking a bath." When she was trying to end the call "What? I can't hear you. The signal is weak." She said and closed the phone. I mouthed a thank you. "no problem" she answered. "Can you please stay the night?" I asked them. "sure," both of them said at the same time. I smiled.

We were watching friends and laughing when I went down and got some hidden Oreos and some chips and got upstairs. "here you go" I said giving Car the Oreos and Nic the chips. "what is this?" Car caught my wrist that was hidden inside the hoodie covered with some white fabric. I flinched out of pain. "what is that? Answer me" Car shouted demanding to hear my answer. "when I was beaten and he finished I got up and tried walking up the stairs but I fell down the stairs and a nail got inside of me." And I was seriously not lying. I would never and by never ever I mean never try to put scars on the body that God gave me. Even if I wanted death, I would never try to kill a soul that God put on this earth. "if you don't believe me I can show you the nail on the stairs. I said getting up to show them the nail. "we believe you. We know that you would never try to kill a soul that God puts on this earth."

After another hour of watching friends and talking we decided to sleep since it was 12:30 am. All three of us slept on the same bed since it was a queen-sized bed. I set the alarm at 6:30 am for school. I put my head on my pillow and couldn't sleep I kept thinking about what would happen tomorrow.

It was 3:30 am and I still couldn't sleep I took my blanket and put it around me and went downstairs. Though it was hot I still didn't want to see the scars on my body. When I arrived in the kitchen I went to the kitchen and opened the freezer. Since I hid a can of ice-cream behind a big bag of ice, I found it in the same place.

I took it and grabbed a spoon and went upstairs to the terrace at the top of our house. I always came here when I needed to think. Even in my deepest problem. And this was actually one of them.

At the moment I had one problem to think of. Ace. I don't want him to know. I could actually avoid him as the girls told me. I won't avoid him like literally avoid him but take some space. I love him. For a moment I thought I had no problems except the operation I had to do in Arizona and how to tell them. But now I had a bigger problem, I had a monster after me that wanted to kill everyone I loved. And especially Ace. I felt I was loved, and he made me feel that I wasn't fat even when I felt I was obese and now I feel the same as before. When Dave came yesterday I felt unwanted in life. I felt like life had something against me.

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