chapter 44

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We entered Ace's house and chilled for the rest of the day. You want to know what we did? Well I'll tell you. First of all, we went to Ace's and we changed into comfy stuff. I wore a sweatshirt that had I don't care on it and a Nike legging. And wore my usual white converse. I put my hair in a high ponytail and went downstairs. All the boys had hoodies on. Ace had a hoodie that had Harvard on it and a pair of jeans. Liam had a simple red hoodie with white jeans. Max had a grey hoodie and white jeans. The girls were going to wear something from my stuff so I decided to wait downstairs with the guys since it's gonna take forever. I sat next to Ace and hugged him he hugged me back and kissed my forehead. "what are they doing all this time?" I said groaning. All of them looked at me. "they're girls, duh" Max and Liam said. I cuffed "oh my god, last time I checked, I was a girl," I said and glared at them. "oh sorry," they said. "you should be," Ace said and looked at me and took a few strands that were on face and put them behind my ear. I giggled and he smiled. He leaned in to whisper something in my ear. "you giggle is like the best music I've heard and will ever hear" he whispered making me blush crimson red and smile. He chuckled still playing with my hair. "what did you tell her?" Max said. "none of your business" Ace said smirking. "you're mean," Max said making me laugh.

After about seven minutes the girls came down. "hallelujah, what the hell have you been doing upstairs?" I asked getting up to see Carter in a PINK black legging and a simple white shirt. And Nicole in a Nike colorful legging and a white crop top. "it took you too much time to be wearing these" Liam said pointing at my clothes with a look that I didn't like. "hey these are my clothes" I said pointing at him. "oh sorry" Liam said scratching the back of his neck.

"So where are we going?" Ace asked as all of us were in the living room. "how about we go have lunch at Vicky's and then we decide?" Car suggested. All of us nodded.

All of them were in their cars and Ace decided that we were going to ride his motorcycle. I actually didn't mind I love being so free in nature.

We arrived at Vicky's and we sat in a booth. All of us girls sat on the side opposite the boys'. Every one of us sat in front of their boyfriend. A waitress came and gave us the menus waiting for us to choose. "I'll have a chicken quesadillas," Max said "yeah me too," Nic said. "I'll have the harboard room," Liam said and Car said, "I'll have the same." "what are you gonna take?" Ace asked me. "Pasta bolognese." I told him. "and both of us are going to have Pasta bolognese." Ace said. The thing that bothered me most is that the waitress was looking at Ace in like a seductive way. I looked at the girls and they gave me the 'what the hell look'. I didn't say anything because Ace completely ignored her.

After half an hour our food came. Before the waitress came to our table, she rearranged her clothes and fixed her boobs so that it seemed bigger. She put our food on the table and while putting Ace's plate she bent down and winked at him. She looked at the whole table but precisely Ace "do you want anything else?" She asked. "yeah actually," I said not being able to control my anger anymore. "mhm?" she said looking directly at me. "so she knows how to look at others in a table." I whispered looking at the girls. They tried to hold their laughter but couldn't. I put my hand on Ace's "I would like that you stop checking out this guy right in front of me. Ok?" I said. She gave me a questioning look seeming like a 'and why is that?' "because he's actually taken. He's my boyfriend" I said smiling, making her flush with anger and stomp away like a little girl.

"someone is feisty today,"  Liam said. "yaasss girl. You burned her" Max said. "so I have a jealous girlfriend I see," Ace said. "shut up," I said waving him off and looking down.

After an hour the waitress came back with the check in her hand and put it on the table and left without any comments. I took the check to pay when it got taken away from me. "Hey," I said loudly. I looked up to see Ace with the menu in his hands. "Not gonna happen," Ace told me. I tried to reach out for the menu when I gave up "Fine".

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