Chapter 69

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It took us some time to arrive in the spot, Carter told us about. "finally" Ace said pointing at Carter. "that's not professional for your information" Ace said making me laugh. "shut up, now we have a ton of places to go" she said and reached for her bag and brought a paper. We have 11 places to go" "what???"Ace and I said at the same time "no way" I said really slowly. "yes way I want my first wedding to be special, I want your wedding to be special" I sigh in annoyance. We nodded and were about to enter when she added one more thing. "and you have to clear your schedule for the next week. Because we have lots to do." She added.

We were out of the place where we reserve. "no I don't think it's the one." I said and Ace nodded. "plus the next free date to the wedding is a year away. So no" Carter nodded and crossed the rainbow hall off the list.

"where next?" Ace asked her. "the plaza hotel"

We arrived and exit and I wasn't really impressed by the place, plus Ace also didn't like the place.

We went to another four places which were: the four seasons park Avenue, Capitale, the Pierre, Glen Cove mansion, and the American museum of natural history. Either they weren't good-looking or they were fully booked.

We had a few more places to go to. Cipriani, Oheka Castle, and Gotham hall.

We arrived at Cipriani the place looked really beautiful from the outside. We entered and searched for the manager searching for help for the reservations until we found a man that was waiting for us. "Ms. Walter, Mr. King" the man shook our hands and then Carter's. "so shall we see the ballrooms?" He asked us. We nodded in response. We entered a lot of ballrooms but the next one we entered it while we were embraced by each other. The hall was beautiful. It was indescribable. "wooww" Ace looked around us. "what do you think?" Ace asked me "it's beautiful, it's amazing and indescribable. I don't have the words to actually describe it" I looked at him. "do you think, that this is the one?" I asked him. "we'll see."

We entered the man's office and sat in front of him on the two chairs. "so the next available date is next year in august" he said and looked at us. "don't you have any sooner date" Ace asked him desperately. "I'm afraid that, it's not possible sir"  I am really sad, I thought this was the one. This one was amazing, it was beautiful and gorgeous and lovely.

We were out of the man's office. "It's too sad that we found a place but it was already taken," Ace said looking at me. I was actually really sad because it was really amazing.

"Mr. King, ms. Walter" we heard our names being called we turned around and saw the man running towards us. He arrived. "there's-" he stopped to take his breath. "take all the time you need" I patted him on the back. "just right now, I got a call and they called off the event." Ace and I looked really happy at each other. "what's the trick?" Carter looked at him. "the hall is free in just 2 weeks om the 7th June 2019" he said looking every way except at Carter.

"what? Forget it" she said and turned around. Ace was about to walk away but stood. "Fuck it, we'll take it." He shrugged his shoulders. "what? No, no way in hell" Carter said. "what? We want to get married as soon as possible and everything is possible we can make it work" he said smiling. I was really happy, the place is amazing. "do you agree on this?" Carter asked me, hoping I would say no. "actually yes, we can manage to make everything work" I stated. She groaned.

We signed the papers that we're gonna reserve the hall. We were outside Cipriani waiting for the next thing on the list. "so since the wedding is gonna be in two weeks there is no rest" she got out a notebook. "tomorrow we're going to go aisle hunting, I have some places in mind". We arrived at Ace's and we entered the house and made ourselves comfortable.

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