chapter 37

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It took us 15 minutes to get to Ace's mansion. We entered the gates and Ace drove to the garage he parked the car between his black Porsche Panamera Turbo and his Triumph Bonneville motorcycle. We got out of the car and I wasn't really feeling well. Ace carried the carry-on and I carried the backpack. We got to his room. "Wanna unpack?" Ace asked me.

I entered the bathroom without answering Ace's question to see why I was hurting in my side. I raised my hoodie and saw lots of blood, stained the hoodie. I didn't know what to do. I was breathing heavily. "El are you ok?" He asked me. I couldn't lie. I opened the bathroom and showed Ace the wound. "What happened?" He asked. "I don't know, I wasn't feeling well in the car and when I first came here I saw this." I said. "thank god it's shallow."

After a bit he wound was cleaned and we put a plaster on it. I actually kind of didn't feel anything, so I was ok.

I was sitting on Ace's bed and I finished all my homework. I took 'shatter me' and continued reading me. "um El can you please help me?" Ace asked me. "with what?" "umm, I don't know how to solve this equation." I looked at the equation and saw that it wasn't a really hard one. "and why would I help you?" I asked him half-smiling. "because you love me. Duh" he said. "fine you got on my sweet spot," I said and explained him the equation till he got it right.

"so since you helped me, would you like to go on a date next Thursday ?" Ace asked me. "sure," I said smiling and gave him a peck on the lips.

I was sitting next to Lilly and Ace and Sierra were sitting in front of me. We were eating dinner. We were kidding and laughing. "so how's drama queen doing today?" Sierra questioned looking at Ace. "Who's the drama queen?" Lilly asked Sierra. "it's your brother sweety". We laughed and laughed till we decided it was enough.

Ace, Lilly and I were sitting in the living room while watching Nemo. "How about we go to the mall and buy ice cream and I'll buy you anything you want?" I asked Lilly. "No, I don't want to go." Ace stated. "don't be a fun killer."  I said looking at Ace. "yeah don't be a fun killer" Lilly said and stood in the same position as I. "so both of you are against me now?" Ace asked. "mhm," Lilly and I said at the same time. "fine," Ace said and stood up.

We were in the mall and were in the ice cream shop. "so I am gonna take two scoops vanilla chocolate ice cream, my sister is gonna take peanut butter ice cream and my girlfriend who you are looking at none stop is gonna take chocolate ice cream with chocolate chips. Oh and if you don't stop looking at my girlfriend I'm gonna kick your ass." Ace said looking at the man behind the cashier with dead eyes making me smile.

We got our ice cream and sat on the table. We kept eating our ice cream. Ace tried taking some of Lilly's ice cream but she kept putting it away. "if you dare eat some of my ice cream I'm gonna kill you." Lilly said. "don't mess with women's food. They don't share" I told Ace chuckling. I gave him some of my ice cream. "ohh. I love you" he said smiling and taking some of my ice cream. I took my ice cream back and kept eating it. I felt a phone clicking in front of me. And saw Ace taking a picture of me. I smiled when I saw it.

Lilly and I have been wandering in the mall for an hour waiting for Lilly to choose something

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Lilly and I have been wandering in the mall for an hour waiting for Lilly to choose something. Ace was too tired to continue walking with us. "I found it," Lilly said with her cute voice. "what is it?" I asked her. She showed me several extensions with different colors. "it's really cute" I told her. "well then let's go buy it." I said and she jumped in excitement.

After buying it I told her we should put the purple extension on her hair and prank Ace that we dyed her hair. "Hey, we're back." I told Ace. "wanna see what I got her?" I asked Ace. "yeah" I pointed at Lilly's hair. "What? You dyed her hair?" He asked not believing that I dyed her hair. "hey it's cool" I said playing with her extension. "It's I know, but Sierra is gonna kill me." He said walking back and forth. "stop worrying, we didn't dye it, it's just an extension." I said and high fived Lilly, we laughed. "you should've seen your reaction. It was priceless." I said and we went to Ace's house.

We were in Ace's room and I realized I didn't have cloth that I could wear in front of Ace, they were either tall shirts or two-piece PJs that were too short and too revealing. So I decided to wear this

I brushed my teeth and exited the bathroom

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I brushed my teeth and exited the bathroom. I saw Ace looking at me "what?" I asked. "ohh nothing, nothing at all," he said sarcastically. "hey don't judge I forgot to pack some things, not like these." I said.  I laid on the bed and put the covers over my body to cover my legs.

I was reading my book and I felt something tingling on my arm. "what do you want Ace?" I asked him. "Talk?" He said. "ok" I left my book and looked at him. "so do you have training tomorrow?" I asked him. "yeah why?" He asked me. "nothing important." I told him.

But the truth is that it was really important. I was gonna go to my house and wait for Dave to come so that I can record every single thing he's gonna say. From where he curses to where he abuses me. And I was gonna protect myself with one of the guns that he had in his drawer in his room. I am not gonna shoot him don't get me wrong I'm just gonna pretend like that. And I am gonna handcuff him to the stairs so that when the cops come he'll be there.

I tried to act normal so that Ace didn't find out.

We were still awake and it was 2:00 am. I was looking at Ace and thinking about him. "a penny for your thoughts" Ace said smiling while looking at me. "I was thinking about you". "what about me?" Ace asked with an eyebrow raised. "Just how you love or even like someone like me when there is an ocean of girls who aren't broken and more beautiful than I am" I finished. "El your flaws are perfect for the heart that is meant to love you. And you are a beautiful art, may be messy, but perfect. And I can't even look at you without wanting to kiss you." He said smiling and gave me a peck on the lips. "And besides. If a man has found his dream woman, the joy will determine his life. And guess what I found her." He said looking at me smiling. "you wanna know something?" He asked me, I nodded. "a true relationship is between two unperfected people refusing to give up on each other. Your soul sings to mine. My soul is yours, and it always will be, in any world. No matter what happens. I need you to remember that I love you" He said and I hugged him. "so you'll never be mad at me and will never be upset from me?" I asked him. "Never, but why are you asking me this question? Are you going to do anything wrong in this upcoming time?" He asked me. I mumbled a no and we fell asleep in each other's arms.

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