chapter 56

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The flight was horrible it was 5 hours and I hated planes. I exit the airport and order an Uber. I drive to the hospital and receive my room.

It was 9:00 pm and I decided to call Ace. I got my laptop and opened face time. After the first ring, he responded to the call. We kept talking for hours until both of us were sleepy and ended the phone call.

I woke up a couple of minutes ago. "good morning, Ella" I heard an unfamiliar voice. I looked to see who it was and saw that she wasn't a person I knew. "I'm Yasmine, I am the nurse who's going to be helping you," she said. She looked a 40-45 year old. "hi" I said smiling. "so right now I have to take some blood for some tests." She said. I nodded and sat. "after an hour we'll come and take you to the MRI" I nodded. She left me breakfast and left.

I called Ace and he responded. "are you in class?" I asked him "shh, I don't want Mrs. Gonzalez to notice" I laughed and Yasmine came. "let's go". "Ace I have to go," I said. "I will call you in two hours I guess you'll be in lunch" "ok see you in two hours." He nodded and we ended the call.

The MRI gave me a headache. I hate it. The voice makes eww. I really hate it. "so now we have to glue the EEG electrodes in your head overnight so that we know what kind of operation you're gonna make" I nodded. "wait, glue?" I asked freaking out. Last time I checked it some kind of gel or cream. She laughed. "we're not gonna glue it with actual glue, you'll see" I nodded and followed her.

We entered a room with a couple of chairs and a lot of wires. After 20 minutes there the man put me 23 electrodes and a heartbeat monitor.

I entered the room and called Ace. But this time not on face time. Because I really looked horrible. "hey" I said. "why aren't you calling us on face time?" Ace asked me. "I don't know. But who's us?" I asked him. "the guys and me". "oh ok." "now open face time" I groaned and opened it. "what the hell is that?" Liam asked pointing at the thing on my head. "shut up" I said not kidding. "how are you doing?" Ace asked. "good, but the food here is disgusting." I said and laughed. "so girl" Car stopped. "are there any hot doctors or nurses?" She asked me and wiggled her eyebrows. "what the hell?"  Ace and Max said at the same time. Ace looked at me. "there are no hot nurses, but I actually didn't see the doctor yet" I said and smiled at Ace. Ace raised his eyebrows. "Ace close the speaker for a minute," I said. He did as told. "there will be no-one who can replace you in my heart" I said "now open the speaker" he opened the speaker. "what did you tell him? How did you make him blush?" I smirked at Max and Nicole. "you're so nosy. And by the way, you'll never know." The bell rang and they had to go.

The rest of the day went really slowly. I was bored. It was midnight and I was watching friends. I got interrupted by my phone ringing. I looked to see who it was and saw Ace. "hiiii," I said really excited to hear his voice "hi, did I wake you up?" He asked me in a really tired voice. "are you ok?" I asked him. "no," he said and asked at the same time. "what happened" I was really worried. "you left?" He said in a duh voice. I chuckled. We kept. Talking till he fell asleep. I said "I love you" and ended the call.

The next day I got these electrodes off of my head. It was approximately 7:00 pm. The doctor entered my room. "hello, ms. Walter" he shook my hand and sat down on the chair next to the bed. I sat across him. "The point that triggers the seizures is right here" he pointed at the ending of my head and showed it to me on the MRI. "it's kind of a big operation ms. Walter." He stopped "Ella please," I told him. "but before I tell you how the operation goes. There are risks." I nodded my head for him to continue.

"The risks are infection, stroke, paralysis, speech problems, loss of vision, loss of motor skills or more seizures" he finished. I knew that there are many risks of brain surgery. But there is nothing worse than this status. Besides my mom and dad told me to make it. They obviously know that it's gonna go well.

"ok, can you tell me how the operation goes or does?" I asked him. He nodded. "the kind of surgery we're gonna make you is the most common one. It's the resective surgery. Resective surgery is the most common type of surgery for treating epilepsy. If you have epilepsy, your doctor can use MRI to learn where seizures occur in your brain. Using resective surgery, they can surgically remove the part of your brain where seizures happen." He finished. I nodded. "and when do we do it?" I asked him. "tomorrow". "I have another question, who's gonna make me this operation?" I asked him. "I am" I nodded. "ok," I said. "are you sure?" He asked me. "yeah". "then could you sign this so that they know that it was your choice to make this operation?" I signed it. And he left me. Please god, let this operation be successful.

I was deep in thought about the operation tomorrow. I was cut by Ace face-timing me. I smiled.

"hiii" I responded the call really excited. "hey" he smiled. "so what are you doing?" I asked him. "studying" he stopped. "good boy," I said, "with the guys" he finished. He said and moved his phone so that I could see them. "I take that back," I said. "hey you got that ugly thing off your head." Liam said. "shut up," I said and rolled my eyes. "douchebag," Ace said and Nicole hit the back of Liam's head.

"So any hot guys yet?" Nic asked raising her eyebrows and peaked a look at Ace's reaction. Liam shook his head and Ace looked at me. I decided to tease him. I looked at Nic and began to speak. "actually yeah" I stopped and looked at Ace. He was fuming with anger. "he's a nurse and is body built. He has brown eyes and is tall, really tall" I finished. "oh seems like someone has a competition" Carter looked at Ace. Ace had a red face and if we he was animation there would be fume coming from Ace's ears. "you sir are jealous" Nic pointed at Ace. He really looked as if he was going to explode. "I am just joking silly. If you could think that through, you are the hot nurse. Except you are not a nurse" I chuckled. "And how do I know that isn't handsome there?" "because there are no male nurses here" I stated in a duh voice. He sighed in relief.

"so anything new?" Ace asked me. I nodded. "I'm doing to get the operation done tomorrow." I said. "wow so you're gonna be here in a week. I guess" he guessed. But boy he's wrong. "no I'm not," I said. "what? Why?" He pouted. "because I'm gonna have to stay here in the hospital for another few weeks. So that they know if I'm ok and stable or not" I finished. He groaned.

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