chapter 73

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"so where are we going?" I asked him, hoping he would tell me. "you'll see" I groaned. We stayed in comfortable silence till we arrived at a really really really huge mansion. Ace parked his car and we got out of the car. "What are we doing here?" I asked him. He grabbed my hand and headed to the door. He got a key from his right front pocket and opened the door. "someone I know lives here. You know them actually."

I looked around the house and it was amazing. "this place is amazing. It's perfect" I looked at Ace smiled. "who lives here?" "guess who" he said smiling. "Joe and his family?" He shook his head. "Patrick and Lilian and their family?" He shook his head again.

I kept wandering through the house, trying to think about any others. "then who?" I looked at him. He stood really far from me. "you really want to know?" I nodded. "you really really want to know?" I nodded. "us." I chuckled as if he was talking seriously. "really who is living here?". "you and me. I'm not kidding. We live in this house" I put my hands on my mouth. Tears filled my eyes. I looked at him again, he nodded smiling. I ran and jumped on him. We were in the same position for a while. I got out of his embrace. "we cant live here Ace." I looked at him "why?" He was kind of disappointed. "because, we're just two, and this place is just too big for us" "Ella we're not gonna live here all alone" I looked at him not really understanding. "someday we're gonna build a family and we're not gonna be alone. Someday there will be children running through the house." He said and hugged me. I hugged him back. "how did you even get this house?" I stopped "Don't tell me you robbed a bank" I pointed at him making him chuckle. "worked as a drug dealer?" He laughed and stopped me. "no, I didn't do any of these" he laughed again.

"a couple of months ago, I wanted to start my life with you. I asked my parents for approval and they agreed. Especially my mom. She warned me if I ever hurt you she would kill me" he stopped and we laughed. "As our wedding gift my parents gave us this house" I looked at our surroundings once again. "how did you even decorate all of this in two months?" I raised an eyebrow. "it was already decorated I just added a few things and changed a few things" he put his hands around my waist and I put mine around his neck. "but a lot of things aren't furnished or decorated. And the whole house wants your final touches to be just as perfect as you are" I hugged him again "how did I ever deserve someone as caring and loving like you?" I asked as I buried my head in his chest. "i love you" I said. "i love you too" he kissed my forehead.

Last night Ace gave me a tour in our house. He also told me that we're gonna move in the day after we arrive from our honeymoon. Turned out that the whole gang knew. He told me that the girls are gonna help me pack my stuff. We're just gonna leave the necessities for our wedding at my house and then we're gonna take them after.

Before the girls could come today I packed some of my stuff.

The doorbell rung I skipped down the stairs and opened the door. "heyyyy" Nic said smiling. "seems like someone is moving out" Lillian said jumping up and down. I smiled from ear to ear, and turned away to hide my blush.

"so what are we going to do today?" I asked trying to change the subject. "So first of all we're going to search for a priest to make the wedding"

We were in Lea's car. "we're not going without Ace are we?" I asked worried. "don't worry Ace is gonna meet us there." I sigh in relief.

We met infront of a church, we entered and asked for lots of priests but unfortunately none of them were available the day of our wedding.

We were standing infront of the church hopeless. All of us actually. "what are we going to do?" I asked putting my head between my hands. "don't worry we'll find one" Ace caressed my back. "I have an idea" Damon said and disappeared. I looked at Ace with my eyebrows raised. "what is he going to do?" I asked the guys "i have no idea".

After a couple of minutes later Damon came with a huge smile on which doesn't happen a lot. "i got you one" he smiled. "what?" Ace asked him. "how?" Lea asked him. "so you see. My father has a friend that's a priest" he stopped. "and?" "he agreed to come" he raised his arm in the air. "really" I asked filled with excitement. He nodded. "thank you thank you soo much"

"now what?" Liam asked Carter. "we're gonna go get coffee and meanwhile Ace and Ella are gonna write the song list." Carter said

It been an hour since we began to write the list. "so we have 68 songs" Ace said "any additions?" "nope" all of them said. "Well except the first dance" Max said. "we can give it to the DJ before the wedding" Lea said. I nodded.

We settled on a DJ and told him the place and everything else.

"so what song are you gonna enter with in the altar?" Nic asked us. I looked at Ace. "i don't know" he shrugged his shoulders. Carter gave us her notebook. It was full of altar songs. We kept looking at it for a few minutes. "I've got two" Ace said. "me too" I said. "just say one of them" Carter said. "1.2.3" "a thousand years" both of us said. We chuckled. "well a thousand stars it is" Carter said "you guys make it too easy" we smiled.

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