chapter 40

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Ella POV

The door opened and was shut closed I hid in a place to calm my breath and get the confidence needed. I knew that I should sacrifice being hit again, but this time, it's for justice, it's for the arrest of Dave.

It was 6:15 and I was still hiding until I got the courage to get up and face him. I got up and had the gun on my back and the handcuffs were in a safe place that I can get it in a split second. I turned the recorder on to make sure that everything is recorded.

I made a noise so that he would hear that I'm here. "well hello bitch. How are you and your little boyfriend." He came and hit me across the face. I didn't move this time I wanted to be hit to arrest him. He pushed me on the floor. And kicked me against my stomach. Since I think it's enough hitting I decided to ask him the question that would totally arrest him.

"Why do you hit me?" I ask him. "all these years and you don't know why I hit you?" He asked. I nodded. "but before I answer the question I'm craving for another hit. He came and hit me against my stomach and we broke a rib. "Well let me tell you the story of why I've been hitting you all the last few years"  he stopped and sat on a chair I got up to record what he'll say. "well there are several reasons. 1: it's fun hitting you. 2: I love seeing you suffer. 3: you're a killer. You killed both of your parents" I stopped him "My dad died in a car crash and my mom died because she had cancer." After I finished I was greeted by a punch in my face. "don't you learn. I told you a hundred times to not interrupt me. Anyway. Number 4: you're a freak that falls on the ground 5: there's no use of you living 6: nobody will ever love you not even that boyfriend of yours. He just acts like that just because he pities you 7: you're not pretty, beautiful nor good looking. 8: you're way too fat and you're a waste of food. Should I continue or is that enough?" I didn't want to continue this conversation so I decided to end it. I shook my head. "so are you ready for another beating?" he asked. I stood up from where I was sitting hurt. "No," I said with courage all over my body. "what did you say?" He asked me angrily. "I said no" I stood for myself. "ok then," he said and was about to hit me again when I took the gun from my pants and pointed it at him. "you won't dare to shoot me." He said in defeat. "try me" I said. "you don't even know how to shoot" he said taking a step forward. "trust me I can, wanna see?" I asked with a raised eyebrow. He took a step back. "you didn't answer. So I guess you wanna see." I said and pointed the gun on the floor right next to him and shot a bullet. "the next one is going to come in your leg." I said.

I saw him staying really silent. Which wasn't his habit. "are you scared?" I asked him. "of you?" He said really sarcastically. "never" "ok if you aren't scared of me you're going to be scared of what's coming in the next thirty minutes.

I took one of his hands and handcuffed them onto one of the stair pole and the other hand on the exact opposite stair pole.

I took the recorder from my back pocket and turned it off. I took it and opened my phone to be greeted by hundreds of missed calls from the gang. I put the gun on the counter and put the keys of the handcuffs next to the gun. I put everything in my bag. "good luck getting to the handcuff's keys" I said looking at Dave then the keys.

It was 7:30 when I got outside the house. I called 911.

911: hello it's 911 what's your emergency.

Me: Hello there is an abuser in (address) and he's a police officer and he's been wanted for a long time

911: ok the police are on their way, what's the abuser's name?

Me: it's Dave Irmler

911: and what's your name?

Me: I'm the abused one, all evidence is going to be there with you in the morning.

I ended the call without saying my name because I didn't want it to come all over the TV. I know what you're saying. Why didn't I give the police officers the evidence? I didn't want to give it to them because I'm afraid that some of Dave's friends might hide it. And now you're asking who I am giving this to. I am going to give it to General Joseph or Joe as a shortcut.

It's 8:00 and I'm at Joe's house I rang the bell and he opened it. I didn't want to enter. "Hi, Ella what are you doing outside this late? And why are you all beaten up" He asked me. "here you go" I said and handed him the recorder. "what's that?" He asked me. "it's the confession from Dave my step-father," I said and was about to go when he held my hand. "does Ace know about this?" Joe asked me. "No. And please don't tell him I prefer telling him by myself." I said. "I have a question," I asked turning back. He nodded. "what are we going to do now?" "Well tomorrow I'm going to give this tape to the court and possibly the jury will accept to make the court tomorrow." He said with a smile. "oh and do you have a lawyer?" He asked me. "oh a lawyer? No, I don't need one, I promise I don't need one. Thanks" I said and left his house

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