chapter 74

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All of us went to Ace's house. We ate lunch and were finally relaxing. "finally," I said and exhaled. "finally what?" Max asked. "we finally finished the day," I said looking at him. "no we didn't finish the day. The day isn't over yet" Carter said, "We just took a break" she continued "we have got a couple of things to do" "What? No, you've got to be kidding me" I stood up. Ace chuckled because he was off for the day. "you've got somethings to do too" Carter pointed at Ace. I looked at him and smirked. I sat down again. "What do we have to do?" Ace asked. "you have to go get the bowties, cravats, the clips for the tuxedos. Oh and the shoes." She pointed at Ace. "And we have to go get the accessories, jewelry, and something blue" I groaned.

The girls and I were in my car driving to the mall. Then I thought about the wedding box I found in the basement. It was from the day my parents got married. I know you're asking why not from the day the monster and my mom got married. Because on the box was craven the date my parents got married. Maybe in this box, we can find some of the things we need.

I switched the destination to my house instead of the mall. "wait what are you doing?" Nicole asked. "going to my house" "why?" Lea asked. "I've got to see something," I said driving fast. "can't you see it afterward?" I shook my head. They groaned.

We reached my house and got out of the car. I got inside the house and got to my room and searched for the box. I couldn't find it. I ran down the stairs and into the basement and couldn't find it. "what are you searching for?" They asked me. "a box," I said "a box?!" Carter shouted. I nodded. "I found it" I raised the box in the air. "what about it?" "I guess it contains some stuff of my parents' wedding," I said. We got upstairs holding the box "why didn't you open it when you found it?" Nicole asked me. "I guess I just waited for the perfect moment when I most needed it" I shrugged my shoulders. I put the box on the living room's table and we all sit around it. "ready?" Carter asked. I nodded and opened it.

The box had a lot of things but on top of everything, there was a piece of fabric it was white. I put it in my hand to feel the fabric. I put it on the table and begin to see the next thing in the box. There were many photos. Some of the photos were of their wedding and some of their honeymoon. I analyze every single picture. "they were beautiful." Carter said taking the pictures I put on the table. I nodded smiling. "What's that?" Lea pointed at another white fabric. I pulled it out and chuckled. "they're two garters." I put them down ready to see what's next. "wait we've got the something blue out of the list," Carter said. "what now?" Lea asked her. "the garters have two blue ribbons on top of the" I looked at them closely and realized that she was right.

I've got the next thing out of the box. It was a really big white fabric. "it's her veil" I smiled. "That's it, there is nothing inside," I said closing the box. "wait," Nic said she pointed at something in the box. "what?" I asked "there's this ribbon attached to the ground of the box. I opened it and was surprised by what I saw. I put a hand on my mouth. What I saw was beautiful. In the box was this beautiful diamond set of neckless and a pair of earrings. It is beautiful. It has these small peddles. "it's beautiful" all of them said.

We found out that most of today's tasks were done

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We found out that most of today's tasks were done. We decided that the day where Tristan is gonna do my hair the day before the wedding he's gonna do the accessories.

It was 4 and I decided to pack most of my clothes and put them in our new house. I packed about six boxes. Three of them were filled with clothes and the other three were filled with some beloved stuff that I couldn't move without. They're kind of my good childhood memories. Like photo albums of myself. And another one with my parents. Some photo frames. Some photo frames of Ace and I. I packed the books I loved. And the college photo books. And some of my other school photo books. I packed my bags and shoes. And a lot more.

I made a box for donations. I put my small cloths in it, my really old magazines, my school homework, and stuff of my really bad past. I put books that I didn't need, but I decided to keep the ones that my mother read for me when I was a child, cause I want to read them to my future kids if we even get kids.

I arrive at our new house. I open the door and begin to put my boxes in the house. I relocate the three boxes filled with my clothes to our room. I open the dressing room and find Ace's cloths in a half of the wardrobe and the other half was empty. I begin to unpack my clothes and put them where they should be put. "hey" I heard Ace's voice. "hey" I said and hugged him. "need some help?" He asked me, I nodded. "so you did this all by yourself?" He asked me "mhm"

He was unpacking my stuff till he coughed and looked at me smirking. I looked at his hands and saw all of my undergarments. I ran and took them out of his hands. I put them in one of the drawers while blushing.

I know what you're asking me right this moment. Well, you're asking why I blushed when he was holding my stuff when we are getting married in a few days. Well because we didn't do it. We were saving it until the day of our marriage. And till now nobody saw me in my undergarments. 

We finished unpacking my clothes and began putting all the books and other stuff. We also put some stuff that Ace brought with him tonight. We put some of the unimportant stuff in one of the empty rooms.

"finally" we thew ourselves on the bed.

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