chapter 23

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It was an hour after the announcement and I am sure El is gonna win this.

We were really hungry because the food at prom really sucks. So we decided to go eat at Henry's it was a really good restaurant that closes at 3 am in the morning and since it's 1:30 am we went there.

We sat in a booth at the end of the dinner. The girls next to each other while we sat on the side. Every couple sat in front of each other.

Ella POV

A waiter came and wanted to take our order but he couldn't take his eyes off of me. "what would you like to drink?" He asked all of us but directed the question at me. Ace cleared his throught noticing the uncomfortableness that the waiter caused me causing the waiter to look at Ace.

"we would like three diet cokes. And 3 iced teas." Ace said. After about 5 minutes the drinks came. "here you go" the waiter said giving us our drinks. "now what do you want to order?" The waiter asked. "both of us would like chicken classic qasida." Ace said about us. "and Liam would like chicken wings, Max and Nicole would like two club sandwiches, and Carter would like a cheeseburger." Ace continued.

"I wanna go to the toilet anyone of you wanna come?" I asked the girls "Nah" the answered shaking their heads.

I went to the toilet and finished my business and was going to my table again when someone grabbed me from my arm. I turned around and saw one of the faces that I hate. I saw Lucas. "what do you want?" I asked annoyed. "I want you," he said. "fuck you, I hate you," I said "we can change that," he said smirking  "what do you even see in that boy outside?" He continued. "does he even know about the freak you are? I know he doesn't know but I know we can deal with that. I accept you for who you are. Now let's go." He finished. "is that actually hard to believe? Some people actually love me for who I really am. And when I told them I was shocked as if I was dreaming that they accepted me for who I really was. Listen, Lucas, I am not a puppy that goes running after you to fulfill your commands. I love Ace and I told him about everything even the thing I didn't tell you. I know his family and problems. And you'd be really dumb if you think I would go out of this dinner with you. Because I have friends who stood right next to me when I had problems in life."

I said and began walking away but he grabbed my arm again, but I couldn't take my hand. He crashed my back into the wall and was coming near me. When there was about an inch between us I kicked him where the sun doesn't shine and returned to my friends.


Ella was in the toilet for a good 10 minutes and I am beginning to get worried. I stood up ready to go see if she was ok. Then I saw her coming in view so I sat down again. She sat down next to the girls. "hey are you ok?" I whispered asking her. She nodded smiling, but it wasn't her regular smile I knew something happened in there. "took you long enough" Nicole said. "Hey what's that on your arm?" I asked, scanning her arm, it was really red above her elbow. "um it's nothing really" she said lying.

After 10 full minutes, the food came. And I noticed someone moving behind the waiter and I am sure I saw Lucas because I noticed his bloody suit. I got up and ran outside the store to catch up with Lucas. I didn't stop when I heard my name being shouted I knew it was Ella. After a second I had Lucas on the floor underneath me. "what the hell dude?" Lucas asked. I reached for Ella's hand "did you do this to her?" I asked. When he didn't answer I shouted: "did you do this to her?" He nodded. "you are an asshole because no-one and by no-one I mean no-one can touch a lady. And Ella is not any lady she's my lady. Lay a finger on her and you're dead. You can't force her who to be with or who to love." I stopped "she gave you and a chance and you fucked it up. So fuck off. She found someone she loves and loves her back. So don't be an asshole and force yourself onto her, that's not what men do. And if I see you again talking to my girl you're gonna be beaten to death." I was gonna take a hit when someone held my hand. I looked at who it was and immediately stopped. Ella held my hand and looked me in the eyes telling me to stop. "don't be like him" she said helping me up. Once I was up he got up, spit the blood in his mouth and ran away. I stood up and once he was gone I took Ella in my embrace. "I love you El. You should tell me every time anything happens. Pls ok?" I asked. She nodded. "I love you too, Ace". "Ok since the food came can we eat now?" Max asked and Carter slapped him in the chest in response causing all of us to laugh going inside.

Ella POV

Right now we were outside my house everyone was at their houses and Ace was driving me home. Ace accompanied me to my doorstep and was about to leave, "Ace can you please stay the night with me?" I asked looking down. "you don't have to look down love," Ace said chuckling looking me in the eyes causing me to blush. I hugged him and went to my room while he following me.

We were in my room and Ace was changing in one of his clothes he left in my house a couple of weeks ago and I already changed in the PJs I wore today before we went to prom.

I laid in my bed covered waiting for Ace to come out for us to sleep already.

When he entered the room he came and slept next to me. But him being him he always slept without a shirt on and me being me I tried to take my eyes off his six-pack. "you can stare as much as you want, all of this is yours." He said pointing at his chest area. "Oh shut up," I said. He came and slid into the covers next to me and pulled me into his chest and put his hands over my hips and I smiled. "do you think I can do it tomorrow?" I asked, "you know?" He asked "my faith in you is indescribable," he said smiling at me. "nighty night handsome," I said, "good night beautiful." And by that, the night was over peacefully.

We woke up the next morning by another click. We opened our eyes and saw Liam and Max holding a phone on our faces.

 We opened our eyes and saw Liam and Max holding a phone on our faces

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"Could you please stop doing that? You're really creepy." I stated, "where are your girls?" Ace asked "downstairs making breakfast because you lovely lady have a competition to attend to" Liam stated. "shit," I said getting up. "what time is it?" I asked shouting while groaning. "11: 15 am," Max said

When I was done doing my business I went to my bedroom took out my white striped blue shirt and my shorty shorts and wore my white converse. I let my hair down and was done by then.

I ran down the stairs and saw all of them on the couch holding their phones

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I ran down the stairs and saw all of them on the couch holding their phones. It was 11:45 am and we had to go. "I'm done," I said and all of them got up and went outside the door, well not everyone, everyone except Ace. "you know it's really hard to see you wearing these shorts?" he said and then slapped my butt and went outside nut not actually before I slapped him in the chest and blushed. We were outside the school and let me tell you I was not excited.

God, please be with me with what's about to happen.

Unbreak my heartOnde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora