Second Date Part 1

19 1 0

Dylan Hayes-

Yesterday was very interesting.
It wasn't as bad as I thought it was going to be.
I just really hope Sapphire didn't screw everything up with her big mouth.
Now tonight we are going out again to try and make her idiot jealous.
Well he's not too much of an idiot because he left the freak but he is for even going out with her in the first place.
We are going to some stupid bar where he usually hangs out.
Me: You ready to go yet?
Freak: Have been ready for an hour. It doesn't take me 3 hours to get ready like your ex.
Me: Okay. Get over here then so we can leave.
A few minutes later she is outside waiting for me.
We drive off and get to the bar.
As soon as we get inside we go straight to the bar and find 2 empty seats.
"What can I get you two?" The bar tender asks.
We tell him our orders and he goes off to make them.
"Okay now I need to know about you" I say once we get our drinks.
"Okay. My dad died when I was real little too. I have a baby brother. My mom was a wreck after my dad died and I had to help raise him. After a while my mom started to date these horrible men that my mom made us move after every break up. Eventually mom didn't want to deal with us anymore so she sent us to our aunt and that's how we got here. Me and my brother were really close growing up but after we moved in with our aunt we lost touch. We haven't talk to each other in 6 years."
"Okay. So no dad. No mom. And lost connection with brother. Got it." I say trying to copy her words when I told her about my family.
She has no one. Well no one other than Jaydon.
Why do I care?
I don't.
She's a freak.



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