Chapter Nine

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-Chapter Nine-

Jake’s in the hospital? What? No, he can’t be, I was just talking to him earlier. Was he okay? Did something happen to him?

“He’s in the hospital?” I asked Lily slowly, my eyebrows furrowed with worry.

“Well technically yes, he is in a hospital. I literally only meant he’s at the hospital.”

“Okay…” She could’ve just said that in the first place, rather than getting me all worked up for nothing. “Well, hy is he the hospital?”

“He’s just checking in on his friend. I’m on my way there now,” she told me. 

“Why do you have his phone?”

“Because he accidentally left it behind.”

Wow, that’s probably the first time he has ever done that. “Okay, well is friend okay?”

“Yeah, yeah. She’s… fine.” Her?

“What happened to her?” I probed. At least it wasn’t Jake that was checked in to a hospital, right?

“Uh, nothing really. Cops are everywhere out here. I’ve got to go, talk to you later, Alex!.”


Before I could get in another word, the line clicked dead. I placed my phone down next to me. Weird.  

* * * 

“Hello, people! I am home!” Danielle announced, walking through my front door, and into my house. 

Hmm… should probably tell her now, right?

Tell her about what, you ask? About Jake, of course. I guess I was going to make the decision to tell her about everything.

“Dani, come here,” I called. I placed my Mac Book Pro on the floor next to the chair I was sitting in. 

She walked into the living room, throwing her over-sized purse onto the couch. She placed her hands her hips. “Yes, my darling?”

“You know my ‘cousin’ Jake?” I asked doing air-quotes. 

“Yeah. I don’t think it’s healthy to have that close of a relationship with—”

“He’s not my cousin.”

She cocked her head to the side like a lost puppy. “Then who is he?”

“Jake is a guy I met.”

Her eyes went wide. “Whoa, whoa, whoa! And you didn’t tell me!?”

God, I knew she would freak. “Chill, Danielle. It’s not that big of a deal!”

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