Chapter Four

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-Chapter Four-

One week.

I have been talking to Jake Carter for one week.

Most of the time we'd be talking every day; all the time. At three o'clock, when I got out of school, Jake was just eating lunch. Sometimes this three hour time difference can really get on my nerves..

The first thing he would do when he got to lunch, he'd text me. Sometimes he would even text me during his classes. He told me that his friends are always wondering who he is texting so much and why that person takes up most of his time. 

Once he got out of school (three hours after I did) he would text me non-stop. Now he's blaming me because he doesn't get his homework done on time. I, on the other hand, am done with most my homework before he even gets out of school.

No, who am Ifooling here? We all know that I wait until the last minute to get it done.

Yesterday Jake got his first 'B' on one of his tests. And of course it's my fault. But I can't get at mad at Jake. If I did, I'd stop being mad at him in less than five minutes. So, there's really no point to.

Danielle still doesn't know about Jake, but she keeps growing more and more suspicious though. She always asks why I text my ''cousin'' so much. I just shrug it off.

I'll tell her soon though... Maybe.

So right now, Jake and I are about to play an amazing game of......(cue drum roll)..... '21 Questions'.

'Okay, you start!" Jake demanded.

"Why can't you?"


"Because I don't wanna. Now go."

I sighed, trying my best to think of an awesome question to start off the game. Finally, I came up with one that will blow your mind.

"Question 1: What's your favorite color?" I asked.


"Way to be creative ;) And clear."


"Thanks :D And clear isn't a color -.-"


"It can be if you belieeeeve xD"

"No. It can't. I'm just going to assume you like the color blue :P" I said, rolling my eyes. Clear isn't a color. Or is it?

Oh well.

"I do :) Question 2: Do you play any sports?" he asked.

"Actually, yes I do. Question 3: Do you play any sports?"

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