Chapter Thirty Four

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-Chapter Thirty Four-


“That was so good!” I sighed and pushed my plate away. I was full. I had already consumed my three pancakes, some bacon, and my omelet. Don’t forget the two cups of orange juice.

“Good? It was delicious!” Danielle said, swallowing her last bite. Her plate was completely cleared. I literally mean there was nothing on it at all, not even a single crumb. What did she do, lick it clean? And I am still wondering how she can still maintain the perfect shape. Have been for longer than I can remember, really.

“Thanks for breakfast, Lily!” I exclaimed, smiling. It was really good. I would eat more. . . If I could. I should probably work all this food off later. Maybe go for a run or something.

“You’re welcome,” she replied.

I stood up from my seat at the kitchen nook. “I’m going to go wake up London and the guys,” I announced.

“No, let me,” Lily said, smiling.

“Okay? You’re working really hard this morning, aren’t you?” I chuckled. “What’s up with that?”

“Nothing, Alex. I guess I’m just a little cheery! That’s all. I’ll be right back.”

“Okay, then.” I sat back down and watched her exit the room. “She seems a little too happy,” I voiced my thoughts to Danielle, suspicion dripping from my words.

“Maybe she’s plotting to murder you... In your sleep... With a big knife. After all, you did break her heart, right?”


“Take a joke, hon. Maybe she is just trying to mend the relationship between you two. It was pretty screwed up after you decided to sleep with Jake.” She giggled.

“I didn’t sleep with him!” I slapped her arm and grabbed my plate, taking it to the sink so it could be washed off.

“Well, that’s probably what Lily thinks. That’s another reason for her to not like you. Ha, oh well.”

“You’re so good at this, Dan,” I told her sarcastically. I took a sponge in my hand and started scrubbing the bacon grease and syrup off my plate.

“Why, thank you.” She smiled stood up. “I need another piece of bacon.”

“How are you not fat yet?” I bluntly asked her.

“I don’t know. Because I work out?” She gave me a look; one that said duh.

“You do not work out.” I deadpanned. I have never seen her pick up any kind of weight in any kind of way, shape, or form.

“Then why do I have a six pack?”

“Because the soccer coach was really harsh. I was there too, remember?” I asked her. Yeah, I was beginning to get some abs during the season, but the coach was so mean to us. We got a new one, eventually, because Coach Sullivan, the previous coach, was too aggressive and she got fired. I have to say though, she was a really good coach for us. She knew our limits and when to stop.

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