Chapter Forty Four

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See that external link? I'd tap that. ;)

-Chapter Forty Four-

Okay, let me catch you up...

Two weeks. Yes, a full two weeks. That's how long it's been since the breakup.

Jake and I weren't on speaking terms at all. In my opinion, we had nothing to talk about.

Brent and I, on the other hand... We've kind of been seeing each other... Not like boyfriend and girlfriend or anything. We've just been hanging out a lot more, at least three to four times a week, maybe even more. Just as friends, of course. The only reason we wouldn't hang out was because either of us would be busy with something else.

We haven't kissed at all since that last time at his apartment, but I have to admit it, I really did want to kiss him again. Sometimes, I thought he was going to kiss me, but in the end, I would figure out he was just teasing me... He even knew how he got my heartbeat going faster than its usual pace.

On occasions, I would even tease him, just for the heck of it. But I always wondered if I had the same effect on him as he had on me.

I have to admit, he was a really sweet guy. He joked around a lot, but always knew how to make me smile, even when I didn't want to.

Maybe I have a slight crush on him... okay, to be honest, maybe a little more than "slight."

* * *

"No, no, no, no, no, no, no!" Danielle yelled at me. "Are you crazy?"

"What!?" I replied in the same volume. "It's not that bad."

"What do you mean, It's not that bad!?" She closed her eyes, sucking in a big breath of air, then exhaling. "This is a nightmare, Alex."

"No it's not, Dan. You think it's a nightmare!"

"You liking Brent!?-that sounds like a nightmare to me."

"That is pretty bad, Alex. I was just starting to warm up to you and Jake being together," Lily implied.

I glared at the two of them. I had just confessed to them that I did have some kind of attraction to Brent and that I may even have a slight crush on him. Now they react like this!

"See? Lily agrees! I am a total Jalex shipper! And that's the only thing I will ever ship." Danielle shook her head and crossed her arms over her chest. "I forbid you to like Brent."

"Well you know what? Jalex is completely over." I said with an emotionless expression. The night after the breakup had occurred I told the girls everything about the incident since they weren't there to witness it themselves. Sure, Lily was there for part of it, but not the whole thing. "And so what if I want to move on? I do like Brent, and he is a really nice guy."

"Alex stop saying that! You do not like Brent! You know you're just kidding yourself. You know the only reason you're acting like you like him was because he was there so many times for you after Jake left you at the party." Danielle said, fuming. "I know you. You're still not over Jake, just admit it."

"I can't because that's not true!"

"Then look me dead in the eye and say it. Say you're not over Jake."

I clenched my jaw. "Dang it, Danielle! Why are you so stubborn?"

"See! You can't say it. You know that you may have an attraction to Brent, but if you had to choose, you would pick Jake in a heartbeat."

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