Chapter 74

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Ivy's POV

Today was Sunday, the last day with Grayson for a while. His flight was in three hours and I have spent the week with him and his family. He was excited for this new chapter in his life, and even more glad that he had my brother by his side to guide him through the city.

I could tell he was extremely nervous but as well as happy. I mean why wouldn't he be, his dreams are becoming true, and I couldn't help but feel the utmost proud of him!

"What are you thinking about?" He asks me. We were on his bed and I was laying on his chest. "How Happy And proud I am of you! Also sad that you're leaving, but mostly excited for you" I say and smile at him. "I'll tell you a secret, I am scared as fuck to go to LA." He sighs. "Why?" I ask weirded out.

"I mean, in this town I'm the shit, not to sound egotistic. But out there, the city filled with models, rich and famous guys. I will be nothing. Imagine comparing Me to an LA guy, that's ridiculous!" He chuckles. "What's ridiculous is how you're thinking. You're going to blow their minds, not only will you be the most hottest guy in your school, but the best player too, if you keep this up and go to an Ivy League school, you can look like a model and become rich!" I chuckle.

"That's true, what if I just try a career in modeling?" He jokes. "Let's stick to you going to Harvard or Yale or something for now" I chuckle.


"See you later bro!!" Ethan hugs Grayson as a tears come out of their eye. "We'll leave you two!" Lisa says as Cameron, Ethan and Julia walk away. I haven't even made a single eye contact with Julia for the past week

"This isn't goodbye!" He says and wipes my tears. "I know" I sigh. "I'm just going to miss you" I cry and wipe my tears away. "Trust me, I'll miss you way more. I really wish it didn't have to be like this, right after we got back together too!" He says. I kiss him then hug him.

"I should go"he smiles as he wipes his tears and chuckles. "Don't look back at me, it's too cliche!" I chuckle and wipe away more of my tears. "I love you!" He smiles, "I love you too, safe flight" I say and kiss him on last time.

He walks away and like I asked him to, he didn't even glance back.

6 Months later (February)

It's been about a month since I had last seen Grayson. Being without him for such long periods was getting easier but harder at the same time. Like for example, playing football without him as my receiver was extremely hard. It made me miss him and the reason I fell in love with him was because how passionate he was about it.

I didn't tell him how much I hated this, I was always supportive. He always bragged about how much fun he had with his new friends, the parties he would go to and most importantly the love he has for the city. It seemed like he was enjoying this and not missing me or this city.

Nothing was out of the ordinary, September, I saw him and Nate during a weekend when they flew back. October they came to us for Thanksgiving. November I flew to them with Cindy and mom. December they came home for three weeks for the holidays and that was the last time I had seen both Nate and Him.

We FaceTimed everyday, but lately, he has been cutting on our FaceTime time because of practise or a party. we haven't FaceTimed in a week, and the only text he sends me now is to brag about how much he is loving his new life.

I barely get time with him when he comes to visit, since he is catching up with his family. But I can't complain, I'm still very much happy, it just feels like our spark has been missing for the past few weeks.

We used to FaceTime every morning, to get ready for schools and every night either doing homework together or talking. We spent hours on the phone, never getting bored of each other. But that was before he became mr hot shot, and after that it was almost every night that he was at a party, and almost every night that I spent thinking and wondering about him.

The QuarterBack~ A Grayson Dolan love storyWhere stories live. Discover now