Chapter 14

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Ivy's POV
As we were enjoying time whilst eating food. Grayson's as taking photos of Erika. I'm not going to lie, she looked really good. She was perfect, at least looks wise and as much as I hate her, I also envy her.

Graduation day of grade 8 I lost my father due to a car accident, he was driving fast to reach and see me go up the stage. When a drunk driver, who we still haven't figured out since it was a hit and run, lost sight and crashed my dad.

She had everything, both of her parents, every guy wanted her, she was gorgeous, and I have money more than the average person would since both my parents own a surfing instructor company that is pretty huge. Yet Erika was filthy rich, I wouldn't be surprised if she puked out diamonds.

Both of her parents went to Yale university for law, and met there then got married. They have a deal with Yale since they are sponsors, Erika would go to Yale like she was supposed to. I wanted to go to Yale for football, my dream is to be a bulldog like my dad was. That's were he met Erika's parents, and to our luck they became friends instantly making Erika's family close to mine..

My mother absolutely despised them, she despises how Erikas father always flirted with my mom, she despised how Erika's mom would always try to seduce my late father. My dad never knew about this and it would crush him if he found out that one of his bulldog buddies was a fraud.

The point is she had everything, and because she had everything she could get whoever she wanted, even Grayson. Yet she lacked of a personality. I always tried to be nice, always. When my dad died she laughed in my face, and was beyond ecstatic about his sudden death. I always tried to figure out why she hated me, I had never done anything wrong to her.

"Are they walking over to here, oh hell naw that bitch ain't coming anywhere near me or my food" Julia says. I chuckle at her sudden mood change from happy to angry. "Hey guys" Gray says and smiles. "Ugh Graybear do we really have to be here, I mean seeing these two in a bikini really sickens me, didn't they tell you whales can't wear tight things" she says in a disgusted look.

"You know what I have had enough of this bitch, you wanna go let's go right now Puta, let's go!!" Julia says as she quickly gets up. "Eew as if I would ever lay a hand on you, you went swimming were the fish pee and who knows where you have been" Erika says and backs off. "Oh you really going to get it now" Julia says and begins to take off her earring.

"Julia calm down" I whisper to her. "No if this gringo wants to go we can go" Julia says. "Babe babe come on. Let's just go" Ethan says as he holds her. "No it's fine I'll leave, trust me if I stay here any longer I might catch a disease or something" Erika says. "Gray letsgo makeout in car" she says and grabs his arm then drag him.

Grayson words out "I'm sorry" and Ethan just sighs in frustration. We watched Gray leave, that's when I knew that he has lost all of my respect.

"E I know his your brother but he is getting on my nerves" Julia says as she sits down on Ethan's lap whilst he was sitting on a chair. "Trust me you aren't the only one" E sighs. "I'm sorry you guys, don't listen to her" he says. "I stopped listening since the 1st grade" I sigh and sit on the chair next to him.

"Why does he like that girl anyways." Julia asks and looks at E. "because she has everything" I whisper and take a sip of my drink then look at the water. "But she lacks of a personality" E says.

"Oh she has one. It's just a shitty one. At least we know we're she gets it from" Julia says. "You know what let's go have fun. Nate is having a party at my house and I want to go" I say and get up. "Okay sounds fun" E says.

We all go, they get in my car whislt put my surfboard behind. "I texted Gray we were going to the party" E says. "Okay" both me and Julia say.

We drive off to my house and I see my mom. "Hey guys, enjoy the party!" My mom says as she gets walks toward her car. "Wait your mom is just cool with you having a party!" E says. "Yeah you got to live once in a while, don't make stupid decisions love you guys. Also Liv tell your brother to not throw stuff in the pool or forget to blow out the bonfire" my mom says and then waves us bye.

The QuarterBack~ A Grayson Dolan love storyWhere stories live. Discover now