Chapter 41

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Today was Monday, which meant it was the first day that me and Grayson would go to school as a couple. In a school of judgemental popular kids, who care about nothing but their social media following and how many parties they get invited to, they can be pretty ruthless!

I step into the school, and notice that all eyes immediately land on me, whispers were said about me as I walked up to my locker. God, High school kids can be so mean without even knowing it. I just wanted to shut myself in a room without anyone because I felt like all eyes were on me and they were ripping me apart.

I open my locker and notice through the mirror that Bella Stocking, Who is by the way!!the new Erika, after Erika joined the musical, she completely ditched those girls leaving them with no one to follow around, that's were Bella Stocking came in. She was a year younger than us but looked much older, and when I say she's much harsher with her comments than Erika, I mean she will eat you alive leaving you feeling insecure as fuck.

She chuckles and then rests her body on the locker near mine. "Do you know what's so funny?" She asks, I raise my eyebrow and look at her then continue to unpack my backpack. I was a bit taller than her, but she looked much more older! How could she not with the 50 pound makeup she's wearing.

"I just don't see it?" She shrugs, I look at her confused. "How does a girl like you, get a brother that is so popular and hot, her first boyfriend is one of the top 5 most attractive guys in the city, and her boyfriend now is number 1. It's honestly a shame, because they could have us, but they stuck with you. I wonder why?!" She asks. "Do you like cast a spell on them or.." she asks, "that's enough Bella!" Grayson yells at her.

"But Gray I was just being honest" she shrugs, "I can answer that question for you. Well it seems that Ivy here is one of the few girls in this school who actually care about something other than how they look. Unfortunately you weren't blessed with her heart, or good looks, so you were just left to become a cold hearted bitch, but somehow you keep wondering why all these guys have all nighters with you but never want something genuine. I hope that answers your questions and hopefully ones you always struggled with answering" Grayson says.

"Really? That's not what you said last week!" That comment hurt, really bad. I slammed my locker shut and left. "Last week?" Grayson asks confused, "no no Ivy Wait" he runs after me once he notices I'm gone. "She's lying please believe me" He says and I stop walking. "I didn't walk away from you, I walked away from her" I smile. He hugs me and I hug him back.

"Is it true?" I ask him, "no it wasn't and even if, The only reason I went out with all these girls is to try and get over you" he says and I hug him tighter. I get out from his grip, and notice that she walked by us pouting and making a crying baby hand gesture. "You know I heard about people like you, and where they usually end up" I say to her as I get out of Grays grip. "Where? rich, famous, pretty.." she smiles. "Noooo.. in hell" I chuckle, "you have some really deep issues, and instead of taking out on me. Maybe try a therapist, if you need one, just tell me and I can recommend you a great one that deals with psychopaths" I smirk at her and then smile and notice her scoff once Gray laughs.

"Don't laugh, that wasn't funny" she yells, "no you're right, it was hilarious" Grayson says and comes up to me and holds my hand.

I didn't feel good, instead of being the bigger person I stooped to her level. I could feel my dad being disappointed in me, it's never good to take out your anger on someone you don't know even if they hurt you. The reason why I never stood up to Erika is because I never knew how hard her life is at home, and that was the reason she was acting up.

"Baby, that was so good, who knew you had it in you" he smiles, did he just call me baby. "Did you just call me baby?" I ask him making sure my cheeks weren't turning red, "Yeah is that okay or is it not.. cause if not I can totally stop you know I can call you babe, or .. your name" I shut him up by kissing him. "No that's totally okay" I smile.

The QuarterBack~ A Grayson Dolan love storyWhere stories live. Discover now