Chapter 45

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Flashback to about 2 years ago

Nate's POV

"I AM SO FUCKING TIRED OF YOU, I DON'T CARE ABOUT THE FUCKING PARTY CHARLOTTE!" I yell. "Nate, if we don't fucking go to this party then everyone's going to think we weren't invited!" Charlotte says whilst on her phone.

"how can you care more about a fucking party thrown by a douchebag who has been nothing more than a dick to me just because he is into you! Don't you care about me, I am suffering in math, I need to get this tutor, If I don't I'm fucking toast, that means NO scholarship for volleyball, can you comprehend that or is your mind too caught up in what the fuck you are going to wear to the party!" I say to her. "Of course I care, but if you love me you will care about our social life too, I'm always at your games to support you so why aren't you at the things I want you to be at?" She asks not even making eye contact with me.

"I never ask for you to come, you show up, you don't even fucking watch, you just fucking take selfies , Maybe if the things you were interested in weren't partying then I would totally be there for you every time, like you're 'there' for me" I say in a pissed of way. "Ugh Whatever" She says and gets up then opens the door.

"And wWho the fuck are you?!" Charlotte says in a kiddy way. "I'm the fucking tutor, now who the fun are you?" Cindy says. "Cindy right?" I smile at her. Okay wow was she the most beautiful thing I have ever seen in my life. As soon as she saw me, she was in complete shock. Did I do something wrong?

"What the fuck? You didn't tell me your tutor was a girl! Especially one that looks like..that" she looks her up and down. Well Char, you don't tell me a lot of things" I say to her reminding her of the texts I saw between her and Brandon. She just rolls her eyes and walks away "whatever" she leaves.

"Yikes,That's your girl?" Cindy says looking surprised. "Yea" I reply to her as she looks at me with her adorable face. She gives a slight chuckles. "What?" I smile confused. "Nothing, uh just like good luck with that! So should we get started?" She says.

"Yea yea of course come in!" I say to her. "Thanks" She smiles and tucks her hair behind her ear. "I like your place!" She says softly. "And it likes you" why the fuck did I just say that!! She just chuckles and puts her bag on the chair. "So What did you need help with?" She asks. "Life, my girlfriend, MATH" I reply to her. "Well To get volunteer hours Legally I can only help you with the Math" she says. "Yeah I uh um I was only joking" I give a quick chuckle, was that joke not clear. "So was I" She replies. "Oh" I smile at her and she smiles back.

Okay this is weird all I can think about is kissing her right here right now! "So the quadratic equation and the factoring shit I don't understand!" I explain to her. "Neither do I" She replies. "joking, here I can help you with that" she says and begins to explain it.

I literally zoned out and began to admire her features. "Do you understand it?" She asks. "Yup Yup yea... ugh no, sorry I hear numbers I zone out unless it has to do with volleyball then they're just not my thing!" I reply to her. "Oh okay, so you're a volleyball player, okay, here ..." she continues explaining it in volleyball terms for me to understand it better for about 50 minutes and I did, it's way easier than I thought!

"Got it?" She asks, "Yeah thanks!" I say to her. "Wait you play?" I ask her, "aha, No, I don't play the sport I just understand it, like with you, see you don't have to like math, but just try to understand it" she replies. "But the way you talk about it is as if you play it" I reply to her. "I did play it, for a bit, but it wasn't my thing, I love watching,but playing is just not for me" She replies. "So what exactly is your thing?" I ask her whilst she packed up her things since our hour was over.

She chuckles and then takes her bag. "Wait you never answered me!!" I yell at her before she gets into her car. "Bye Nate!" She smirks and then drives off.

The QuarterBack~ A Grayson Dolan love storyWhere stories live. Discover now