Chapter 33

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Grayson's POV
"Jessie!!" I say as gym class ends and she storms out. "Truth!!" She says and looks at me, "do you like her?" She asks. I don't like her I love her, so if I said I don't then it's technically not a lie. "I don't okay!!" I say. "Then how come you look at her the way you do" she asks, "what do you mean? I don't look at her any differently then I would look at Ethan!!" I explain. "Oh really, do you look at Ethan as if you want to kiss him?" She fake chuckles. "Listen, Ivy's a great girl, but I won't be a rebound or someone for you to get over Ivy, be honest and not only with me but yourself and her!" She says as she walks away. "But I -I.." I try to explain as she walks away.

"What was that about?" Ivy asks as she holds her arms. "She thinks I like you" I sigh, "and I don't" I quickly. "You say it as if it would be a bad thing" she says and walks away from me. Oh my god! Stop walking away, everyone!!

"Ivy come on you know I don't mean it like that?" I say as I catch up to her. "Right? Just like you weren't ignoring me for the past month, tell me Grayson what could I have possibly done to you to make you hate me so much?" She rolls her eyes. God she is so hot!

"I-I don't hate you" I say confused. "Then why did you say that I turned out to be a different person than what you thought?" She asks. "Because..." I was literally about to tell her then and there. "Got it, Thanks" she fake chuckles and walks away from me.

God Grayson, you are such a coward! I hit the locker in anger and turn to see Coach. "Dolan, May I speak with you in my office" he says and smiles, "Sure" I fake smile and step into his office.

"Ivy's a great girl!" He says as he sits down. "I know Coach" I say confused. "But I don't think you know, did you know that after all the missed practises you had at the beginning of the semester you were getting kicked off the team!" He says. My eyes widen, "I'm so so sorry Coach, I haven't missed a practise in a while!" I say, "relax! You aren't getting kicked off the team and you can thank Ivy for that" He chuckles, I look at him confused.

"When we were all discussing kicking you off the team, 2 people told me not to Ivy and Jake, yet Jake just said he doesn't think you should get kicked out, Ivy actually persuaded me at lunch time not to do so, she explained how great of a player and person you are, she basically glorified you to me. Whilst you and your little posse were bullying her!" He says. "Coach I.." I begin to explain. "It's okay! I know you aren't that type of person, everyone makes mistakes, but go easy on her, I know you're angry about her telling on Erika's father but the kids been through a lot, and she really cares, now all I wanted to say is I heard your little convo with Jessie, and if you hurt Ivy in anyway I will break every bone in your body, understood!" he says.

"Yes coach!" I say terrified, "now run along and go thank her" he says and smiles and I smile back.

I can't believe she did that for me, all this time, even after all I have done, how I treated her. She's like an angel I swear!

"Ivy Ivy!" I say as I see her  taking her binder to her second period, math which we both have. "I'm sorry!" I say, "for being a dick or ..?" She asks and smirks. "Aha I'm sorry for being a straight up asshole to you all this time, And I want to thank you for what you did to me with coach and football" I say and smile at her. "You're always welcome Dolan" she says smiles then turns around and begins to walk away  but I hold her hand making her freeze and me freeze.

Why did I just do that, she turns to me and looks at our hands together and then looks up at me. I look at her eyes that were full of wonder. "Wait" I say quietly getting her attention, "what I said before?" I say, "Yeah?" She says.

"I didn't mean it, any guy would be so lucky to be with you, you're absolutely amazing, funny, smart, caring, kind and beautiful inside and out" I smile. She smiles back as we're still holding hands, "thanks but are you going to let me go?" She says as she chuckles and looks at our hands. "Do you want me to?" I ask and smile then look up at her, and she looks at me and shakes her head no. "Then no" I chuckle. "We probably should though" she chuckles, I push her into the guys change room which was empty.

"Woah" she says, "I love you!" I say to her, "aww I love you too" she says sarcastically. "Ivy that's not what I meant, I am in love with you woman, okay!!" I say to her. She looks at me and says "I love you too" and leans in to kiss me.

"Hello Grayson" Ivy snaps her fingers in front of my face as I'm still holding her in the hallway. "Oh Sorry" I chuckle, "is their a reason for you to still be holding my hand, we are going to be late for math" she chuckles! "Oh yeah sorry" I chuckle and she smiles then begins walking to math.

It must of all been a hallucination, where we kissed, when she told me she loves me back, when she told me she wanted to hold my hand. I stood there frozen watching her go back to class as if nothing happened, because nothing did happen. Her appearance became small and smaller as she walks away, which made me really upset, I want to be with her 24/7.

I go up to my locker and grab my shit, and get to math, and not so surprisingly I was late. "Mr Dolan you're late" my teacher smirks, "won't happen again" I say, "that's what you said the last time, and the time before and the time before that and the time before and so on." A chuckle comes out of him. "Sorry sir!" I say and smile. I sit beside Ivy and Jake. "Yo did you hear about Erika?" Jake asks and I make a confused facial expression. "Apparently she isn't wearing makeup today, which hasn't happened since grade 5 and she's in the play" he says and I smile. "Good for her!" I smile, I know how self conscious she was about not coming to school without makeup but I always knew how beautiful she was without. "You guys still a thing?" He asks, "nope" I reply , "good, does that mean I can ask her out?" Jake says, "I would say go for it but Jake she is going through a tough time right now so maybe, be there for her first!" I shrug.

"Good idea!" He whispers back and I chuckle. "Are you sure it's a good idea?" Ivy asks and I look at her confused, "it's Jake, he doesn't want a relationship, he never has been in one!" She says. "Erika can handle it trust me" I smile, "if it wasn't Erika I would disagree but you make a good point" she smiles and I smirk at her.

We continue looking at each other and smiling. This girl is so beautiful, my heart beats so much when just hearing her name, but when I'm actually next to her it stops beating, like she has my heart and she doesn't even know it.

Ivy's POV
His eyes, a mixture of green and brown, they are so beautiful and deep, I can get lost in them for hours. My heart was beating out of my chest whilst he looked at me, I wish I could tell him how I feel, I wish he felt the same way. But that's not the truth and I just have to deal with that and it hurts. The way his jaw flexes, his muscle tense up, he is so handsome god!!

Grayson's POV
The way her eyes are brown yet have a blue thick ring around them that was so deep. She was rare, kind, funny, caring, talented, smart and not mention the most beautiful person I have seen in my life.she looks like and angel, her tan skin, her curly hair, her big naturally red lips, her tiny yet adorable nose, her intimidating cheek bones. She was perfect, and she had no clue!

Until next time, x

The QuarterBack~ A Grayson Dolan love storyWhere stories live. Discover now