Chapter 68

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Ivy's POV

Today was the first day of School, Nate was leaving tomorrow morning for university and as for me and Grayson, we isolate each other, no eye contact or talking. Unless it has to do with school and/or football.

It's so people don't get suspicious and most importantly no rumours start.

I got dressed and went downstairs with Cindy. Nate was still sleeping, he had one week until his classes start. So he was trying to stay up and sleep in as late as possible. Me and Cindy were both wearing our uniform.

"First day Of grade 11 and 12, how are you feeling?" Mom asks. "Grumpy, sleepy, and most of all hungry" Cindy groans and gets a Nutella croissant with strawberry's.

"Well what about you?" Mama asks, "nervous" I reply and sit down,  "does that have anything to do with a boy" mom smirks and I looked at her confused. "Perhaps one Who has a twin brother" she smiles, "alright, who told her?" I smile. "Sorry" Cindy says and smiles. "So why are we nervous?" She asks, "maybe because hiding a relationship from everyone is probably the weirdest thing I have ever done" I say.

"Not as weird as a girl playing football" Cindy says and I gasp. "Rude" I chuckle, "whoops, did I say that out loud" she says. "Right, Come on we are going to be late" I say. "I'm driving!" Cindy says. "Nate needs one car here and I'm definitely not leaving mine for him" Cindy says. "Wow... bye mom love you" I say and kiss her cheek then grab my stuff. "Love you too!" Cindy says and kisses her cheek.

"Whoops almost forgot" Cindy says and runs back, she grabs another croissant and I roll my eyes and chuckle.

I get in her car and she starts driving their. She blasts broadway songs, no offence but I never understood her passion for broadway. I scoff and change it from Aux cord to whatever was playing on the radio, and just to my surprise No Guidance was playing, God I love that song!

"Hey appreciate real art and this is my car" Cindy says, "it is real art and just because you're driving doesn't mean I have to be tortured by your awful taste in music" I scoff. "The only thing awful is you not appreciating the real music!" She says and parks.

"It's not good music if I'm annoyed by the artists voice" I roll my eyes and get out of her car. Just to my surprise right in front of me on the other side of the parking lot was my secret boyfriend. He was surrounded by a group of girls and next to him his brother. He looks at me, gives me a smirk when no one was looking and continues to chat amongst them.

"Where are we going for lunch?" Cindy asks. "I was actually thinking of going to lunch with, Well you know who?" I say. "I haven't seen him in like 2 days, and well no offence but I eat every meal with you, like you seriously never go home" I smile. "Well it's not like I'm glad to see you either" she scoffs jokingly. "Fine, I'll have lunch with my friends, but promise me if you don't have anyone to sit with you won't go in the bathroom and sit their by yourself!" She jokes. "That's the last thing I would resort to, our bathrooms are infested with either awful smells or teenage sex addicts with raging hormones" I say. "See you after school then!" She smiles. "See ya" I say and head to my locker.

On my way there, I spotted someone who looked vaguely like my best friend, Wait is it? "Dylan" I say confused. He was unpacking his stuff into a locker and barely looked at me. "What are you doing here?" I ask. "Me and Lexi have decided that since all of our friends go here, we might as well transfer and make it a surprise, so Surprise" he says with absolutely no enthusiasm or eye contact.

"Well I wish you would have told me or Cindy, god Jacob is going to be so jealous once he finds out that you guys switched and not Zoe" I say. "Well his jealousy is the least of my worries, Listen I got to go meet Lexi, it's her first day here and she's really worried about making friends!" He says and shuts his locker. "Oh okay, well if you guys aren't busy, you should come over after school, it's Nate's last day!" I say.

The QuarterBack~ A Grayson Dolan love storyWhere stories live. Discover now