Chapter 59

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Ivy's POV

I returned home, feeling better, I wasn't thinking about Grayson or anyone but me. I missed that feeling, were my focus was on my future and not on a boy!

"Ivy!" Nate yells. "What?"I say. "Where the fuck were you? We have been worried sick!" He says and then Dylan and Jay look at him confused. "No we haven't, you didn't even notice she was gone!" Dylan explains and I smile. "He ain't lying, but seriously where were you?" He asks. "I talked to Grayson!" I say and their eyes shoot up at me.

"Why?!" Nate asks. "Well someone told me that for closure I need to hear him out. And so I did" I said and looked at Jay who then smiled at me. "So?" Dylan asks waiting for an answer. "He didn't cheat" I sigh. "Apparently the video went around the school, then reached Ethan and Julia, who freaked out and started acting all weird, then Julia showed me after the LA trip because she didn't want to see me her hurt anymore!" I sigh.

"But you two aren't together again.....right?" Nate asks. "Never again!" I sigh. "Awesome!" Jay says excitedly and we all look at him confused. "I mean.. at least you won't get hurt!" He shrugs and we all nod.

"So what now?" Dylan asks. "What do you mean?" I ask him. "I mean, since I have been friends with you, all you think and talk about is Grayson. " Dylan says and sits down. "Well, I'm focusing on myself now. Focusing on getting into UCLA, and moving in with my brother, you, Nate, Cindy, Zoe and Ivy! That means no more dating for Ivy Dickens" I sigh. "Fuck! .. I mean yay I'm so excited for you, Wait how are you all going to fit in Nate's small ass apartment" Jay asks confused.

"We are not, we are getting a house! Well not us, more as in our parents are chipping in to rent us a house!" I explain. "Yo that sounds awesome, maybe I should think about going to University in LA" Jay says. "You're too dumb, you know what LA people are kind of stupid, so you'd fit right in" Nate says and pats him. "Not too dumb to get a kiss from your sister that's for sure !" Jay smirks "twice actually!" I smirk.

"When the fuck did you two kiss?" Nate asks. "In the car! And no it wasn't to make her ex jealous, because she wanted to, so take that big boy!" Jay says and pats Nate. Nate was angry and looked at me with fumes. "How many times do I have to say, don't get caught up with my friends, they all end up hurting you!" Nate says. "Well maybe you should get better friends" I smile. "Well maybe you should get better friends" he imitates me.

"Not my fault you're friends are all players!" I say and he imitates me again. "Stop copying me" I say annoyed, and he imitates that too. "Guys Stop you're acting like idiots, how many times a day will you two play this game!" Dylan says annoyed and me and Nate both imitate him. He rolls his eyes and goes outside. "Aww did we upset you?" Nate jokes as we follow him and Jay outside. Dylan gives him a death stare.

"So Where is Cindy?" I ask. "Upstairs, doing something, I don't know man!" Nate shrugs. "Aww what a caring boyfriend you are!" I smile and then go run upstairs.

"Cindy! Cindy" I call her, I could head her faint cries in the bathroom. "Cindy?" I ask and knock. "Are you okay?" I ask. She opens the door, with tears coming down her face and a pregnancy stick. "No!" I yell. "I ruined our life, it's my fault!" She cries and sits on a chair

"No way!" I sigh. "But how? You haven't been over in like a while!" I ask. "He has, a week ago! And we um.." She says and I stop her, "don't finish that sentence, I got it!" I say grossed out. "I can't get an abortion, I'm religious, and so are you guys!" She cries. "Listen to me, it's probably false, how many did you take?" I hold her hand trying to calm her down. "Well I only took One!" She stops crying and starts to calm down.

"Okay, So don't freak out, tomorrow we'll go to the doctor and ask for an ultrasound." I say and smile at her and she nods. "Hey you guys wanna....woah Babe you okay?" Nate says confused. He looks at her crying, then at the pregnancy test and looks at me.

He was in shock. He must have put two and two together and figured it out. He immediately put his hand on his hair and combed it through back then walked away, "oh my god!" He says and he quickly returns. "Are you okay?" He asks her with a worried facial expression, and Cindy just cries. "I'm so sorry! Babe, I love you, and no matter what, I'll always love you, I'll be here for you, 100%, god I'm so sorry this is my fault!" He says and she stands up then he hugs her.

"I'm so sorry!" He repeats again and  kisses her forehead. She just cried into his chest. Not going to lie, watching how supportive and caring my brother was towards her made me kind of jealous. I just watched him kiss her and hug her tightly. He never did her wrong, god where can I find a guy that won't do me wrong?

They way there relationship was made me envious of both of them but also extremely happy because I love them. How they continue to love each other no matter the circumstances, and never do each other wrong for the past two years, is really inspiring. The way my brother treated her, he was caring and loving, but overprotective, is what I want to be honest.

Nate looks at me and he looked extremely nervous. I know how hard he must be taking this, I can only imagine! "It's going to be okay" I mouth and I smile at him. He shuts his eyes and continues hugging her. "We have to go to a doctor" he says. "We are going tomorrow" Cindy says and begins to wipe her tears.

"Okay ... uh well for now let's just get you to bed. Relax, I'm sure it's fine" he says and holds her hand then walks her to his room. To be honest, I was scared for them, they're way too young, he lives in a whole other state. They can't take care of a baby, and Cindy not Nate can definitely not handle giving it up for adoption. The best thing they can do I guess if it happens, is to give it to my mom! That's it, simple as that, Grandma takes care of baby, Nate and Cindy live their life as normal as possible.

I really hope she's not pregnant!


I went downstairs to keep Jay and Dylan company. "Hey? Why are you guys taking so long?" Dylan asks, "uh, Cindy took a pregnancy test" I sigh and sit down. "No way!" Dylan says in shock. "It was positive, but she only took one, so we aren't going to assume that she is just yet! .. So um tomorrow we are going to go get he ran ultrasound"  I explain.

"God! That's crazy!" Jay says. " yea, I mean I always dreamed of being and aunt but I would never imagine being this young!" I sigh. "Let's just hope if I have a baby, it's at least ten years from now, where I am hopefully married" I say. "Well you know Ivy, for you to get pregnant you have to do a certain thing, so what I'm sayin is, you wanna practice making a baby so that in ten years you'll be a pro, you hear what I'm sayin?" Jay scratches his head and I chuckle lightly.

"Yea I know what you're sayin, it's um very stupid but thank you for the offer" I smile. "Have you ever even ... practised making a baby?" Jay asks. "Bro, is that even a question?" Dylan chuckle and pounds Jay. "Have you?" I ask Jay. "I'm the best surfer in this City and I'm also a dude, if that doesn't answer your question, I don't know what will!" Jay says. "A yes would've been fine" Dylan shrugs. "Shut up!" Jay says.

"Ivy, Have you?" Dylan asks. "Well no" I reply. "Really? A girl that looks like you and that has dated the two most attractive guys in your school, I would have thought you would've done it by now!" Dylan says. "Well I'm waiting till marriage!" I reply. "No! What? Why? That's stupid!" Jay whines. "You're just mad cause you don't have a chance to  'practise making a baby ' with her" Dylan says. "Very upset" Jay jokes. I think?

"Jay sometimes I can't tell if you're joking or actually deadass serious" I say. "I'm definitely serious, my clock is ticking, if my body count doesn't reach ten by graduation all my middle school plans are ruined!" Jay says. "What plans dumbo?" Dylan asks. "To Have ten body counts! I thought I made that very clear!" Jay says confused at Dyl's question. Me and Dylan look at each other and laugh.
Until next time, X

The QuarterBack~ A Grayson Dolan love storyWhere stories live. Discover now