Chapter 13: Facing the demon within

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Author's note: The youtube video should help you imagine what the castle in this chapter looks like, just to let you know. Instead,it looks like how I described. Enjoy!

Unknown World.....

Jin's POV

I awoke in a very strange place. I'm in a very large plain, which goes on for miles and miles. The only thing that sticks out, is a castle ahead. It's a mile or so. I'll be able to run there.

I stand up. I look at myself.

I'm wearing the armor I had when I first came to the Village Hidden In The Leaves. And my sword is on my back. I also have the rest of my equipment with me.

I looked forward, and began to run.

You will face many obstacles on the road you're on, my son.

I looked up while running. A memory of my father.

Don't give up on your dreams. Ever.

My mother. How are my memories doing this? I kept running, until the ground started to shake. The ground began to break, and a rock started to com out of the cracks.

It grew taller, until it completely blocked my path. I put some dust on my hands, and rubbed them together, adding grip to them. I jumped onto a rock I could reach, and began to climb.

"This is one of the many obstacles that will lead you off the path you have chosen." A woman's voice echoed throghout the grey sky. Thunder boomed, as lighting flashed like fireworks in the sky.

Who is that? What is she? I'll figure out.... eventually. I pulled myself up, before the rock beneath me fell and hit the ground.

"Whoa. That could've been me." I then climbed up at least 25 feet, and reached the top.

I made a few hand signs, and said "Dragon style! Wings of a Dragon!" White wings appeared on my back, and llowed me to reach the ground, safely. I kept walking, and finally reached the foot of the castle.

Meanwhile, at the hospital.....

???'s POV

The doctor said that Jin hasn't woken up yet. I'm allowed to visit him.

I was sent here by Danzo, to keep an eye on the Hokage, to make sure she doesn't make any bad moves. If she does, I'll be allowed to kill her... if I can. I hear she is pretty powerful.

Back to Jin...

A nurse lead me to his room, and let me in.

"You'll have to be careful. He has a fever, and he thrashes around in his sleep."

I nodded, and went in. Once inside, I went to the side of the bed, and touched his face.

"Be strong, little brother."

Jin's POV

Be strong, little brother.

Was that my sister? I'm sure of it! She's still alive! After this, she's got some explaining to do.

I ran up the stairs, and stopped to look around.

A white castle, almost completely devoid of any life. Almost no color, too. A garden was to my left, while another part of the building was to my right. Two wooden stood at least 6 feet tall. Oak. I walked up to the door, and opened it.

Once open, I looked around inside.

It was massive.

It looked so small from the inside.

A statue of a dragon stood on a stone pedestal. Four pillars were placed along the corners of the pedestal. Sunlight shone from windows along the windows on my left and right.

I took a step forward, when the statue started to crack. A light blue light seeped through the cracks, as they cracked even larger, and larger.

Then, there was an explosion of light.

"UWAH!!" I cried, as the light nearly blinded me. After the light faded, a white dragon stood in front of me, and asked "Do you know who I am?"

I shook my head.

"I am the one who gives you power in certain circumstances. I am the Demon who resides within your body. I.... am the mother of all Demons." She said, lowering her head.


"Now, wake up.... Wake up....." She said, nudging me.

The Real World.....

Jin's POV

"Jin! Wake up! Wake up!! Come on, Jin! WAKE UP!!!" Yuuki yelled.

"Geez, Yuuki! You don't have to yell. Almost went deaf..UK!!" I grunted from her hug.

"I'm so glad you're okay. I thought..."

"I've been through worse..." I whispered.

"What?" She said, looking me in the eyes.

"Nothing. Let me go, so I can stand." I said, gently pushing her away.

I stood, when all of a sudden, my right arm was in pain.

"AAGH!" I yelled, gripping my arm.

"JIN!!" Yuuki yelled.

"It's all right! It's all right..." I said looking at my right arm. 

Tattoos from the curse mark on my shoulder must have done this. They covered my entire arm. Not only that, the skin changed color. It was a dark grey color. I took a spool of bandages, and began to wrap it up.

"The curse mark...." Yuuki said, looking at my arm.

"I know. You have one too, don't you?" I said, looking at her.

"Yes, but how did you know?"

"I can smell Orochimaru's scent on you. B*****d..." I finished wrapping my arm up, and stood up. "Is Saphire safe?" I asked Yuuki.

"Yeah. She's at your place. Why?"

"Just wanted to make sure. Give her a message for me."

"Um, okay."

I kissed her on the cheek. "Tell her that I love her, and that I'll be back in a few weeks."

"Why are you leaving?" Yuuki asked, worried.

"I'm going to learn how to control this... thing inside me. I have to. In the woods, I could've killed everyone. I don't want that to happen again. Goodbye." I then jumped out the window.

"Wings of a Dragon!" I called, before flying off.

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