Chapter 41: Movie Tickets

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As I opened the guide for the 20th time tonight, many thoughts came to mind. I started thinking of how this seemed so crazy at the beginning yet it was funny because I was the one it reflected. The nerd, the one who didn't care how others saw me, I only cared about my best friend with a love that only she could capture. As I read the first page, Blaine's cursive handwriting appears clearly: My Nerd Project.

The things friends can help you overcome is amazing. So, here I was thinking of how far everything came, and it made me think of the beginning of the project. To how it all started.

And boy, have things changed. I finally closed the guide and walked out of the room and into the bathroom. I looked into the mirror.

"You're not a nerd anymore." I told myself. "Well you sort of are, so don't go getting your hopes up." I said putting a hand through my hair. I went up closer to the mirror and saw my eyes. No glasses covering them, though I didn't really see a difference. I saw my hair looking normal too. I shook my head, starting to chuckle. How again did I make people think I'm not a dork?

When I went to bed, I looked at the guide before getting in the covers. Goodnight world. Goodnight Dad. I thought closing my eyes. I finished the guide Dad, I did it.

When I opened my eyes, there was a lot of sunlight. I blinked, not wanting to get up, and reached to turn off my alarm. I slapped my face a couple times so that I could get up. It worked eventually, and I got up and got ready for school. When I went downstairs, I kissed my mom on her forehead and gave her a tight hug. She hugged me back, rubbing my back. I pulled back eventually and smiled at her.

"You're in a good mood today," She observed.

"I should hope so." I said, getting a bowl of cereal.

"Anything new going on?" She asked, grabbing the milk carton for me.

"Nope, and that's the best part." I said pouring some milk into my bowl and taking a bite. My mom looked at me confused. "I'm happy with the way things are. I'm just happy." My mom smiled and ruffled my hair.

"I'm glad." I smiled back and rushed to finish my cereal. I was looking through the kitchen window for a while before my mom spoke up again. "Your friends seem really nice." She told me. I chuckled.

"They're alright." I said.

"That boy Jesse, what was his last name again?" My mom said putting the milk away.

"Madison. Jesse Madison, why?" I said finishing my cereal and putting the spoon in the sink.

"I knew it! I know his mom; she works in the same floor as me." She said, snapping her fingers, "I thought he looked familiar. I saw his picture framed on her desk. Such a sweet family." She said before wiping the kitchen counter. I blinked in surprise before raising the bowl to my mouth and drinking the milk. Then, I started to smile.

"Do you even have my picture on your desk?" I asked my mom. She looked at me sheepishly. "What, you don't?" I said in surprise. She started to laugh.

"I do, I'm just teasing you." She said, giving my forehead a kiss while I pouted for falling for that.

"Not cool," I said putting my bowl in the sink. I saw my phone light up, so I checked it. "Hey, Blaine's ready. So I'm gonna head off now." I gave my mom a kiss on her forehead before leaving the kitchen. My backpack was already on me, so I just put my shoes on. "Bye Mom! Love you!"

"Love you too sweety!" She said back. So, I left to get Blaine. I walked the few blocks to get to her house, noticing how it was still a little chilly. When I saw her, a smile made its way back to my face.

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