Chapter 31: Stupid, Stupid

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This is going to be a really sad chapter. Just a warning!

That's the song that Sidney puts on. -->

Play it when you read that part (if you want) :D


I passed by Sidney, and she nodded at me. We already got her equipment set up and the party was already going smoothly. At least that's what Blaine said, I'm not really an expert on these things yet. Jasper was pleased when he found out about the party. Even though he made a lot of friends in college, he was glad to hang out with the ones he made here. His parents said they were going to stay in the basement since it was pretty sound-proof there, and they needed to get a good night's rest since they had work in the morning. Jasper didn't mind as much after they assured him they will stay downstairs.

I stood near Sidney and her equipment while trying to remember if there was anything else Blaine asked me to do. I saw my friends, which was cool. I was surprised to see Lily though. I was even more surprised when she walked in with a date and headed towards me. She came up next to me while holding his arm. He was carelessly eating from a box of candy. I gave them a smile, feeling cautious when I saw they were Raisinets. Yum chocolate covered allergies.

"What's up?" I asked, subconsciously backing away. Raisins and I really don't mix; just being next to them is enough to make my body feel funny.So I knew I'd have to keep my distance from these two. I tried to keep my smile on though. Lily pulled his arm closer to hers.

"Oh nothing! We're just hanging out! Me and my date." She said out loud. She saw he was still eating and asked for some. He poured in her hand and she offered me some before she ate. I felt shocked that she offered me some but just shook my head at her question. Come on even Kevin remembered I'm allergic to them. Whatever. I saw that thankfully, Sidney called me over to her, so I excused myself. When I got to Sidney, she told me the next song was for Blaine and me. I grew curious, not knowing what she had in mind, but thanked her anyway. I caught sight of Blaine fixing a decoration and went up to her with a smile on my face.

"Hey Blaine, anything more to do?" I asked her, helping her fix it.

"Thanks, and not really, we just relax now and hope nothing gets broken." She said facing me now, with a grateful smile. I saw that she changed into a dress for the party. I shoved my hands in my pocket, so I don't nervously grab them.

"You look awesome Blaine." I said, trying to smile and disregard the nerves. So much for something basic, Jesse.

"Awesome?" Blaine asked teasingly, biting her lip.

"Yeah." I said laughing to myself, not even believing she was my girlfriend. "Now I feel under-dressed." I admitted.

"Nah, you're awesome too." She said, making me feel amazing inside. A new song just started. I looked at the living room, how some people were dancing already and remembered what Sidney said.

"Do you want to dance Blaine?" I asked her. She took my hand and nodded.

"You still remember how to dance?" She asked, tilting her head to the side. I shrugged.

"Not really." I said with a chuckle. "But Jesse said it was this or extra time at the gym.." She rolled her eyes at me. "Sidney actually picked this song for us." I said watching Blaine blush and hold onto me.

"Here, take my hand and spin me." She instructed and I bit my lip. I lifted up our joined hands and brought them over her, letting her spin. When Jesse caught my eye, he gave me a nod, laughing. I guess he was surprised I kept my promise.

"So do I just keep you in my arms the whole time?" I asked Blaine hopefully.

"Well we could do that or we could just dance to the music." She explained, coming back into my arms.

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