Chapter 24: It's The Books

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When I woke up the next morning, I wanted to sleep some more. My alarm kept going off and I was wondering why I was so tired. I yawned and finally got out of bed. Halfway through brushing my teeth, I remembered all of yesterday and how Blaine said she loved me. Next thing I know I'm rocking my head side to side slowly with a big smile on my face. I couldn't even help dancing around a little while brushing my teeth. I remembered a song I heard on the radio yesterday. And no I can't dance let alone sing, but I was singing a few of the lyrics. The song was called "All Of Me" by John Legend. I looked it up on my iPhone and played it while I was getting ready. I didn't even know all the lyrics, so I was just humming. When a part that I did know came on, I just started singing out loud,

"You're crazy and I'm outta my mind!

Cause all of me

Loves all of you!"

I was mouthing the rest as if I knew the lyrics. I started to laugh when it finished. Shaking my head at myself, I finished getting ready. I grabbed my backpack, and my phone started to ring. Thinking it was Blaine, I answered without even checking.

"Hey beautiful." I said happily into the phone. I heard laughter in my ear.

"Ugh morning princess," Jesse said sarcastically laughing with Kevin in the back.

"Oh sorry. I didn't know it was you guys." I said sheepishly.

"Well duh." Jesse said with a yawn.

"Bad night?" I guessed.

"No Coach called us all to come to early practice, but then he bailed on us. Something about his car being towed or something." Jesse said but then he started talking to someone(s) about getting everyone coffee. "Anyways what's up?"

"A lot actually. I need your guys' help with something." I said telling them all of what happened yesterday leaving out the phone calls. They started laughing when they heard my response to Blaine finding out. I rolled my eyes at them but felt embarrassed thinking about it. That was pretty dumb to run away, but it was just so unexpected. I told them about the dinner and discussion afterwards with both her dad and brother.

"Wow." They both said. Wow is right.

"I know." I said shaking my head at the whole situation. "But now I need a way to ask out Blaine." I said explaining my current dilemma.

"You should've just asked her out when she said she loved you back." Kevin said making me think I missed out on the best time to ask her. Jesse agreed with him.

"I have an idea of one, but I'm going to need your guys' help." I said hoping they won't make me beg.

"Sounds good," Kevin said while Jesse just said "Okay sure." I cheered in my head and saw that I was getting another call.

"Hey, Blaine's calling me right now, so we'll talk more about it later." I said still glad that they agreed to help me.


After I picked up Blaine, we began walking to school. I kept my arm over her shoulder. She started to chuckle, so I looked at her.

"So all of you loves all of me, huh?" Blaine said laughing. I grew confused.

"What do you mean?" I said raising an eyebrow at her.

"Your mom called my mom, said you were singing it out loud, totally off-key though." Blaine said laughing more. I moved my arm and groaned. Seriously mom?

"I should've known." I said shaking my head. I can't believe I didn't think twice about my mom laughing on the phone when I got out of my room earlier.

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