Chapter 17: Well That's Just Weird

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Chris, Cole, and Nate stuck around for a while. So, we copied the notes down. Thankfully, it wasn’t windy today so my notes were as safe as they could be. I made a schedule with them for when I could start tutoring them in math. After that, they went on their way, and I took the rest of my time looking around the field. They went to throw footballs around with the other football players while I leaned back on my seat on the bleachers. My mind went off to what Kevin and Jesse were looked distressed about. Knowing Jesse, he probably just thought he had a bad hair day or something.

As I heard the cheers of the cheerleaders, I started thinking of Shelly. This girl was the weirdest person I have ever known. One minute she makes it clear she thinks I’m below her. The next minute she acts like she’s actually my friend. I started laughing at that. Shelly. My friend. No no, she is not my friend. She has to be up to something. I’m not going to fall into any of her traps. I looked at my backpack and saw her number was still in there. I put my notebooks and stuff away before I reached out to get the piece of paper with that monster’s number on it. I wanted to rip it to shreds. Before I got it, I heard my name being called. I looked around surprised. That was certainly a guy’s voice.

Jesse started waving me down and I looked at him in surprise. Did he really expect me to come down to the rest of the jocks? He has been acting quiet earlier and I did want to know what that was about. But I still shook my head no. I thought he would drop it and I went to lay back down in peace. But then I sat up thinking Jesse never lets things go, and before I could make a run for it, I found Kevin beside me. I internally groaned.

“Hey Alan. Going somewhere?” Kevin says amused as he sees my tight grip on my backpack.

“Uh..yeah, I was going off to the library, gotta get that English essay done.” I said thankful that I remembered that assignment.

“Oh no, that isn’t even due for two weeks.” It was actually due in a week and a half.. Judging by his expression, I knew he could tell I wanted to correct him, but he continued anyway. “Got another excuse?” I sighed.

“Know of any excuse that will get me out of this?”  I said giving up hope of an escape.

“Sure let me just get some buckets of raisins.” Kevin said with a grin.

“Ha ha.” I gave him an unamused look. But then, my face went to surprise. “Wait- you remembered I’m allergic to them?” At this, he gave me an uncaring shrug.

“Need to know my friend’s weaknesses, it comes in handy.” I glared at him. “Now let’s go.” The next thing I know Kevin was dragging me down the bleachers with a tight grip on my arm. “Hey smile, Blaine’s looking.” I instantly looked around for Blaine, but saw her back was facing us. Kevin started laughing and I started looking down in embarrassment. I wanted to start complaining that I don’t want to be around the jocks, but then something came to my mind.

“Hey Kevin, is there something going on with you and Jesse?” At this, he went stiff. So, I continued. “You two were acting really weird earlier.” He let out a dry laugh.

“What was weird?” He said with a straight face.

“I don’t know, not harassing me when you guys had the chance?” I said as he stopped moving.

“Alan, can I ask you a serious question?” This question surprised me for sure. I really did think Jesse was having a bad hair..Good thing, I didn’t mention that.

“Y-yeah yeah sure!” He started looking away from me.

“Do you trust us-Jesse and me?” I didn’t reply at first. “Let me just say, I know Jesse didn’t make the best first impression. Neither did I, but we still think of you as a bro.” I just nodded consumed by my thoughts. I took out my hand at him. He grabbed it and we did one of those manly hugs and went down to the football field.

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