Chapter 9: Come With Me and I'll Teach You How To.. Do Homework?

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Hopes suck, especially when you're really anticipating it and it still doesn't work out so well.

"La la la la la lllaaaa." I was practicing my high voices waiting for it to deepen. It was 9 o'clock. The party's probably already over. I gave up and started reading online about ways to deepen my voice quicker. My phone rang while I mindlessly answered it. I saw tons of paragraphs about what I should expect with the change of voice, which suddenly let extreme boredom rush over me as I groaned.


There was silence until a hesitant Blaine replied. "Oh I'm sorry! I got the wrong number! ..Sorry, bye!"

"Wait, wh-?"

Silence. I pulled my tracfone forward to see if the call was still in progress, and it wasn't. Huh. She hung up. She called back a minute later. I answered hesitantly now.


"Ah! It is you Alan!"

"Yeah, it was still me before." I said in an annoyed tone.

"Don't even remind me, who are you with anyway?"

"Excuse me?"

"Just forget it." She huffed.

"Oh God.. how drunk are you?"

"I'm not." She defended. I raised an eyebrow.

"Yeah okay." I glared at nothing in particular. That idiot Kevin was supposed to be taking care of her!

"Whatever just hey Alan! Alan! Alan!"

"Yeah? Wait. My voice!"

"That's what I'm saying!"

"Blaine, it's deep! My voice is deep!!"

"Alright so, I'll see you here in a few."

"Yeah sure." I couldn't wipe the grin off my face.

"You going to bring whoever's with you?"

"What do you mean?"

"I just thought since I heard you- nevermind, just hurry here. 'Kay?"

"Alright then see ya."

I quickly put a hand through my hair as I went downstairs. I saw my mom, in the kitchen, doing dishes, so I went to her.

"Hey Mom, I know it's late and all, but can I use the car to go-" She sighed.

"Honey, you could get your comics tomorrow."

"It's not that." She was now drying them.

"It's almost 9:30; the library is already closed."

"It's not that either Mom." I rolled my eyes. Honestly.

"Blaine's out at a party, you know that."

"Yeah I know, I want to go join her."

"At a party?" She finally turned around and her eyes widened that I suddenly felt annoyed. Seriously, I wasn't THAT bad.

"Yeah, and I know it's late."

"You're all dressed up! And your voice," she sniffed, "it's deep. My baby's growing up."

"Is that a yes?"

At this, she threw me the car keys. "Stay out as long as you want." She used the rag to wipe away her tears as I walked away, a little creeped out to be honest.

"Okay. Bye mom, love you."


I arrived at a party a few minutes later. I was anxious to be with Blaine. I got out of the car and saw my way through the crowd of people outside. When they moved off the way, I went inside to see it crowded. I made my way to find Blaine.

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