Chapter 4: Jocks are Every-Where

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Dedicated to @KimberlyConnor for the amazing cover on the side :)

 Although I'm glad Blaine said no to Jesse, I would be his next target. I sighed; I needed to relax. I tapped my glasses and excused myself from the lunch table to get back into the lunch line. I was rubbing my neck nervously. The encounter with Jesse yesterday left me thinking the next one wasn't going to go any easier. If it was too bad, I knew I could talk to the principal or my mom. When I made my way to silverware stand, Blaine immediately came to mind.

How one person can make such an impact was beyond even me. I chuckled, now I'm just being modest.

I looked at the lunch line to find it unoccupied, so I got back in line to get an oatmeal cookie along with a fork since Blaine accidently dropped hers.As I saw the cookies, I looked at the ones with raisins with distaste. I was extremely allergic. One bite could kill me. I only ever ate them once, and I scared Blaine senseless. She made them and I thought they were chocolate chips. In my defense, I was blinded by her smile, so it's not entirely my fault. Surely, I wasn't foolish enough to eat raisins again.

I was about to talk to the lunch lady but a jock came in front of me. I recognized him as one that hasn't asked Blaine out, which is a little interesting. His name was Kevin, Jesse's best friend. But, here's a shocker, his shirt WAS buttoned. He had brown hair that was messy. He pulled off that look, of course. He wore the school uniform instead of the jock undershirt.

"Alan, look." I was hesitant, but I listened nevertheless. He knew my name. "I think it's pretty cool that you care so much about Blaine." Of course this conversation starts with Blaine. I rubbed my shoulder nervously.

"You do?"

"Yeah. I mean, it's obvious you like her though." I had to get out of here quick!

"Actually.." He gave me a questioning look. "We're just friends." I said before giving my attention to the lunch lady. "May I get an oatmeal cookie?"

"Sure, dear." She said grabbing it for me.

"And you're getting her a cookie?" Kevin asked me. Was it normal to be mad? Why the interrogation?

"No, it's for me." I said, paying for the cookie before getting it. I sighed as I noticed that the jock was still there. "Is there something you want to ask?" I hinted with sarcasm deep in my voice. But, I knew better than to talk back to a jock, so it was deep down, too deep, but enough for me to notice.

"You don't like raisins?" He said, pointing at my cookie.

"I'm allergic." I had to stop myself from rolling my eyes.

Seriously, is he going to leave?


"You'll have to excuse me; I have to get back to my friend."

"Yeah, the one you aren't in love with." He gave me a wink.

"I'm not!" I started watching my volume then, so I continued in a lower yet sad voice, "Just friends."

"We'll have to see about that." Surprisingly, what he said didn't sound so much threateningly, more like he was pleased. He walked away, and I frowned. I took a fork. I was making my way back to Blaine, thinking about what I got on my math midterm. Most likely 100..


After school, there was no jock vs. nerd encounter. My palms were still sweaty though. I looked around carefully as I put my books in my locker. Blaine was waiting around because we were going to a community college nearby for dual enrollment. We take Psychology 101.

"Alright, let's go." I shut my locker.

We were walking down the hallway, and it seemed a little too weird. I was expecting Jesse to be here. After opening the doors to the school entrance, I knew I spoke too soon, or in this case, thought. Believing he wouldn't do anything in front of Blaine, I walked along with her until we were of his reach. I didn't want to put her in the spot, but she wouldn't believe any of my excuses. She claimed she would know if I was claustrophobic. I know that it was a lame excuse; I was just never good at fibbing, although my vocabulary is big, my conscience is bigger. And that's saying something. 

I felt something crack or did I hear it? When did my eyes close?! I opened them to see an angel's terrified face and I didn't feel the cement under me but a cozy comforter. Was I in Blaine's room or Heaven? When I saw her face once again, my drowsy eyes could've given me all the evidence that there was an angel in front of me. I smiled.

"Heaven's better than I imagined."

I could've been blinded by her beauty if my eyes were fully open.

"Huh? Oh yeah, you're in Heaven!" She had a smirk, such a lovely smirk.

"Yeah, once I saw your-" My eyes went open as I stopped myself as the pain came back; I let out a groan, "My head. Blaine, I need more pills."

Wait a second, Blaine?! She tricked me into thinking I was in heaven? I was about to confess how beautiful I think she is. And most likely more..

When everything started to click, I searched around desperately for my tracfone until I just simply checked my watch and it was 8 PM! Those were not sleeping pills! I guess the hit was too much. A wave of pain knocked my skull. Yep he's definitely an A-hole.

"Blaine, I missed dual enrollment." It's going to go on my college record!

"Yeah, I know. You're, officially, a skipper! But yeah, so we had to choose a project about how easily the minds can change judgments. And when I thought about you, I had the PERFECT idea."

 She smiled and started playing with her fingers. She was up to no good. My eyes went wide-open.

 "Blaine, what's our project?"

 "You want to be known, right?"

 The title of the project might explain further!

"What'd you call it?" I said carefully.

"My NERD Project!"

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